William crossed his arms at his chest. “Sit here and behave like a proper ton lady?”

“I’d rather be sent to Derbyshire.” She stuck her tongue out at him as she’d done as a small girl. “Might I visit with Jane and Finn?”

Andrew sighed. He stood up from his chair. “If you don’t disturb his writing. Or you could assist Jane with her salon.”

Though altruistic, the thought of spending long afternoons with women who’d lost children either before or after birth didn’t appeal. Not when she was already facing the imminent death of her mother. “I don’t need more grief or talk that surrounds it.” She blew out a breath. “Might I continue to walk Ivan in Hyde Park?”

“Only if you deport yourself as a lady.”

She couldn’t promise that, but her cousin didn’t need to know. “I’ll visit with Fanny then.”

Sudden panic lined William’s face. “Uh, her schedule– with the newspaper and my cases– is rather busy. Perhaps she can call on you when she’s free.”

Oh, dear stupid brother.A huff of frustration escaped her. “Ah, that means you two are copulating like rabbits and don’t wish to have visitors hanging about.”

Both Andrew and William wore twin expressions of scandalization.


“Dear God, Cousin, enough!”

Really, she should make an effort to curb her penchant for plain speaking, but it was too much fun to shock people and cause a sensation. Instead, she grinned like a loon and wished her dog were in the room to add further chaos to this meeting. “Never fear, Wills. I have other friends in London to occupy my time.”

He lifted a dark eyebrow. “Female friends?”

“Some, but I have many male friends too, and quite frankly they’re more fun.”

“Absolutely not.” Andrew shook his head. From the flush that raced up his neck and into his cheeks as well as his swelling chest, he was ready to pop. “For the love of all that’s holy, please behave yourself and show some decorum.”

She batted her eyelashes. “I so adore it when men beg me for something.”

William uttered a sound somewhere between a strangled gasp and a cough. Annoyance flashed in his eyes. “Mother doesn’t need further heartache in her last weeks. If you can’t promise to behave, I’ll forbid you from moving within society.”

And that would put an end to any entertainment she might glean before going into mourning. “Fine.” Isobel heaved a sigh. “I’ll adhere as best I can to your rules. For Mother’s sake, not yours.”

In the meanwhile, she’d try to make certain she attended events where Doctor Marsden might be. After all, a girl had to do something to occupy her time, and she did need a new challenge.