Her body stiffened, her toes curled and pointed, and then Isobel was hurtled over the edge into a chasm of bliss greater than the first. She cried out, uttered his name as if saying a prayer, and on his next push into her spasming channel, he found his own release.

“Isobel!” His shout was soon followed by a groan of completion. As he collapsed on top of her, she wrapped her arms about him and held him close. “We probably should have been quieter,” he joked with exhaustion clinging to his voice.

She giggled and this time didn’t chastise herself for the silly sound. His weight pressing her into the ground was all too wonderful and a new experience for her. Her breathing was as ragged as his, and her heartbeat fluttered like mad, but still she floated on a cloud of euphoria. “That was some of the best fun I’ve had in years.”

“I’m glad.” Royce’s lips brushed the side of her neck as he spoke, which set off another round of heighted awareness. “If this sort of scandal is in the offing when I’m with you, then I look forward to the next time.”

“Neither can I.” The moment she stirred, the doctor rolled off her. Immediately, she missed his warmth, his touch, his closeness. But he pulled her into his arms and drew her backside flush to his front. “How long do you think we have before a patrol comes ’round?”

“A quarter of an hour? Perhaps a half?” His breath warmed her ear. “Regardless, I rather doubt anyone can see us here from the path.”

“That’s good to know.” For she was loath to give up this newfound freedom. With a sigh, she snuggled closer to his body. “It’s rather lovely to be ruined.”

And she hoped to repeat the experience soon.