The damp dress that clung to her frame, the way she held her mouth so that her lips were ever so slightly parted, the heat of her pressed so close to him all worked at his undoing. He rested his hands on her hips, couldn’t help but trace her ribs with his fingers. Though taken aback from her daring, his engorged length quite liked this new turn of events. “What makes you assume I haven’t already had my interest hooked?”

“Because you haven’t kissed me yet.”

“Pardon the oversight.” He crushed her into his embrace, claimed her lips as he’d wanted to do since their last kiss.

Over and over, he drank from her. He bossed her lips, telling her in no uncertain terms that he wanted her, and soon. As he’d come to expect, Isobel gave as good as she got. Though she was skilled in driving a man wild with a meeting of mouths, the second he cupped her breasts, brushed the pads of his thumbs over her erect nipples, she gasped and pulled slightly away.

Had no man ever dared touch her there, or had she never granted anyone else access like she did him? For that matter, had she ever lain with a man? Surely if she had, such an intimate caress wouldn’t come as such a shock.

“Oh!” She searched his eyes, questions in hers, and when she leaned into him for another kiss, Ivan chose that time to lead with his nose. He squirmed between them, his tongue lolling out, and he fairly quivered with happiness at having both of them paying attention to him. With a sigh, Isobel gave into laughter as she scratched behind the dog’s ears. “Yet another interruption.”

“Next time, leave the dog at home,” Royce said. Need and desire graveled his voice. It would take some time for his cockstand to settle, but perhaps that was a good thing, for he could hardly have taken Isobel in the carriage with Jeffries overhearing. Still, there would have been other things to occupy their time.

“Agreed.” She encouraged the dog out of the way so she could hold Royce’s head between her hands, but just as her lips met his, Ivan burrowed between them once more and this time he licked Royce’s cheek. “Enough. Enough. We’ll pay attention to you.”

Damned dog.Never had he been more jealous of a canine than he was right now as Isobel slipped from his lap to retreat to the opposite bench with the dog bouncing all around her. He cleared his throat. “When is our next meeting?”

“I shall let you know.” She winked. “Anticipation makes everything that much more intense; don’t you think?”

I think I’m going to embarrass the hell out of myself.Especially if she continued to look at him as if she wished to eat him up right there. “I look forward to it.” He turned his attention to the window and willed his erection to settle.

Bloody, bloody hell.