With a cry—and a hiccup—Fanny once again threw herself into his arms. This time, she stood on her toes and pressed her mouth to his. And oh, that kiss was worth waiting two weeks for! He moved over her lips with a hunger that mirrored hers, his hands on her hip and back also conveyed that sense of urgent need she shook with. But a slight noise at the doorway let her know they weren’t alone, and she eased backward, breaking their connection. “My father doesn’t wish for us to have a long engagement… for obvious reasons.”

William’s eyes had darkened with desire. “Neither do I, but for other reasons entirely,” he said in a barely audible whisper meant only for her ears as her parents entered the room.

A host of delicious tingles danced up her spine. “Would you care to drive around Town with me? Only then will we be afforded a few minutes of much-needed privacy.” She waved to her mother with her left hand and couldn’t take her eyes off the pretty engagement ring.

“Intelligent and beautiful. I rather think I’m getting the better end of this arrangement,” he said and then was obliged to shake her father’s hand.

“You’ll soon have the opportunity to show me what I’m acquiring in the deal,” she whispered before her mother engulfed her in a hug, and William gasped at her daring.

“Welcome to the family, Son,” her papa said, and there were distinct tears in his faded eyes.

Oh, this was the most wonderful day, second only to having her article published in the newspaper. Fanny couldn’t wait to see where life would take her next.