“You married me.” He cupped her cheek, drew the pad of his gloved thumb along her lower lip.

“Yes, and I’ve never been so amazingly joyful in my life.” Almost as if it were the touch of a butterfly’s wing, she brushed her lips against his. “I’ve made certain we’ve packed the necessary carnal aides, so I wouldn’t mind it if you wished for a few tosses in the sheets during our time here.”

“Then you and I are of one accord, sweeting.” Heat rushed up the back of his neck while his chest filled with hot anticipation. Then, because he’d thought nothing except kissing her on the whole of the journey to Derbyshire, Finn crushed his mouth to hers.

As she was prone to do, Jane responded in kind, holding him as tightly as he did her. Their tongues met and tangled in a prelude to what he wished to do to her and with her at the first available opportunity. After several minutes of sharing deep, drugging kisses, Finn wrenched away, panting for breath. No doubt his grin looked as cheeky as it felt.

“Perhaps an afternoon nap before teatime is in order,” he managed to gasp out as she nibbled the spot beneath the underside of his jaw that never failed to see him undone.

“That’s probably best,” she murmured against the skin of his neck right above his cravat. “After all, you don’t want to overtax yourself…”

The holiday at Hadleigh Hall would prove interesting to say the least. Yes, Christmastide was for family, and perhaps he and Jane would manage to start their own during this time.