Cries and murmurs of surprise and congratulations circulated throughout the room.

“How wonderful for you, Phineas,” his mother said, admiration in her eyes. “It seems the month of June will bring so many lovely things for this family.”

Across the low table from her, Drew’s wife Sarah blushed. “I’m sure we can hardly wait for that time.” She shot a look to Finn, and damn if his respect for her didn’t double. Though her first child was due in said month, she refused to shadow his news by talking of the baby. “I had no idea you were an author, Finn. What a glorious career that must be.”

It was his turn to blush as heat crept up his neck and into his cheeks. He tightened his fingers on Wellington’s basket. “It happened quite by accident, actually. The idea for the book had been bubbling around my brain for a while but didn’t take root until I’d met Jane.”

“How marvelous.” When Sarah smiled, it transformed her somewhat plain face into angelic beauty. No wonder his brother had fallen for her. “I’m happy for you, and I look forward to Andrew procuring a copy for me to read while I recover.”

Isobel nodded. “When next we’re all in London, you simply must introduce me around to your friends. I thought having a major in the family was exciting, but an author is nothing to sneeze at, either.” She gushed as only a woman her age could. “Perhaps I could give you ideas.”

Both Finn and the man he assumed was his Cousin William protested together.

“Absolutely not.”

“I don’t lack for ideas, but thank you.”

“Ahem.” Drew noisily cleared his throat. “If we might proceed with the introductions? Then I need to ring the housekeeper and butler.” He gestured with his chin to a man standing near the hearth. “And that is my oldest cousin, Mr. William Storme.”

Finn nodded. He offered a hand, and when the other man crossed the Aubusson rug and shook it, he was struck by how similar he looked to Drew. Perhaps slighter in build, but only just, the man’s black hair was done in a popular style. His clothes were tailored a tad finer than Drew’s, but then, his brother didn’t care much for fashion. The gray-blue eyes were nearly identical, however. Did he possess the same temper and pompous attitude?

“I’m glad to see you again, William, and I look forward to hearing about your life.”

“As do I.”

Finn glanced about the assembled guests with a frown. “Has Brand arrived?”

“Not yet,” Drew responded with a shake of his head. “I have no idea if he’ll come, for he’s been out of pocket on his honeymoon.”

“That sounds like Brand. Always filled with wanderlust. It’s been an age since I’ve seen him, though, so I hope he’ll respond to your summons.”

A faint growl issued from Drew. “Invitation, not summons. You do have free will, after all, and I am not a dictator.”

When Finn would have barked out a sarcastic reply, Jane touched his shoulder, and once more everyone in the room faded as he basked in her attention. “Perhaps you should let Wellington out so she might familiarize herself with the house.”

“Good idea.” He held up the basket so he could peer inside. “Girl, I’m letting you free. Please don’t climb the curtains, claw the furniture, or run away.”

A meow was the only answer, and even at best he didn’t know if she’d follow instructions.

As soon as he swung open the door, the lithe feline sprang from his lap and jumped nimbly to the floor. Her blue-gray sleek coat shone in the candlelight. Then she took in the occupants of the room, and with a meow he assumed was a curse, she dashed beneath a sofa.

“I’m sure she’ll act more pleasant once she’s accustomed to other people,” Finn said by way of an apology.

His aunt smiled. Faint rosy color stained her too-pale cheeks. “Oh, I do so love cats. We had them years ago, but my husband never learned to love them, so once they passed on, we didn’t replace them.” She gave into a soft cough. “What is the cat’s name?”

“Wellington.” Chuckles followed the answer. “Yes, named after the famed duke of Waterloo, but my Wellington is a girl.” A touch of anxiety circled through his chest. “She, ah, comforts me when the darkness of depression sneaks over me.” Since the arrival of Jane in his life, he’d learned there was no shame in showing emotions or talking about what some considered an illness or a weakness of the mind.

His aunt and his cousin William exchanged a glance. Then she nodded. “I never knew an animal could assist with something of that nature.” Again, she looked at her son. “Perhaps if we’d done that with Caroline…”

William shook his head. “It’s too late now.”

Finn had no idea to what they referred, but he could make a reasonable guess. “If you have questions, I don’t mind talking about my mental health.” Then he frowned. “Is, ah, Cousin Caroline coming to the house party?” Her name had been stricken from conversation when he’d been but a child. Anytime she was mentioned, the subject was changed.


Again, looks passed between the other branch of the Stormes. All of them grew ill-at-ease, but it was Isobel who answered.

“I’m told she wished to arrive separately.” She caught Drew’s eye. “You invited her, did you not?”