At the last moment, she recalled he was familiar with this world, for he was an earl’s son. Her spirits plummeted. Regardless that he’d chosen to make a life in Ipswich doing odd jobs and fishing, he would eventually need to return to London and take up the reins of that life again. “There’s such a difference between these people and me,” she whispered. Once his interest in her faded, he would no doubt move on to another woman—a lady with a title—and marry well.

“None of that.” He took her upper arm in a light grip and guided her onto the polished marble floor. “Essentially, everyone is the same. People generally wish for good in each other.”

“None of what?” When she realized he intended to engage in a dance the string quartet was preparing for, panic took hold of her stomach.

“Comparison. It will tear a body’s soul to shreds in half a minute if you let it, and it steals one’s dreams. I can see it in your face, and you’re thinking you’re not enough.”

“I… How can you possibly know that?”

“Because I often have thoughts along those lines.” For an instant, his expression sobered. “I’ve felt exactly that way before, that I’m not enough for anywhere I’ve landed.” He shrugged. “You either come to terms with the person you are, or you don’t and will be forever miserable. The choice is yours.”

She stared at him. “I struggle with that all the time.” When she held her bottom lip between her teeth and his gaze dropped to her mouth, she shivered with a need she didn’t quite understand but sorely wished to. “I’m not good enough for this life, neither am I perfect enough for the life William wants for me.”

“Pish posh. You are perfect enough for me.” Brand waggled his eyebrows. All trace of the serious conversation was gone. “I suppose I should have asked if you’d like to waltz.”

It was a moot point now as other couples filled the empty spaces on the floor. Knots formed in her belly. “I’m not certain I remember the steps. It’s been an age since Mama taught me, and even longer since William forbade it after my parents died. At least in the case of my parents, dancing wasn’t considered a sin and was an acceptable form of exercise.”

“William has some nerve in dictating what you should do with your time when he—” He cut off his words before the sentence was finished. With another shake of his head, his grin was back. “Then you and I shall make a scene together, for I haven’t danced since before I joined the Navy.” In short order he assumed the position with her. The press of his fingers at the small of her back sent tingles down her spine. “I promise not to step on your toes.”

Oh, he was such a dear man!

“I also don’t promise that I won’t take as many liberties as I can during the dance. I am, after all, a rake.”

“Now that I know you better, I rather think you’re not.” His lighthearted teasing was infectious, and soon she laughed at another of his jokes as the musicians began the song and Brand set them both into motion. She tightened her fingers in his when her first trip around the ballroom nearly ended in disaster as she forgot the steps or the timing or both. But he murmured encouraging words into her ear, and she transferred her attention to his face.

Then everything fell into place. Soon she glided over the floor, her steps flowing and matching his, her skirts swishing about her legs. With each turn, Brand reeled her a tiny bit closer to his body until her breasts brushed his chest and their thighs nearly touched.

“I knew you could do it.” He grinned and the delicate skin at the corner of his eye crinkled. “In fact, with your determination and spirit, you will conquer any obstacles you might encounter.”

Heat once more filled her cheeks. “If you keep on with that, I might swoon at your feet from the blatant attention.”

“Ah, then that would allow me the opportunity to whisk you away to revive you.” His eye darkened to the hue of storm clouds swollen with rain. “Or at the very least steal a kiss.”

Foreign need tingled deep in her core and she caught her breath. “You don’t have to steal one, for I’ll give you it freely.”

“All the better.” His scent of sandalwood and citrus teased her nose and worked to weave a spell of enchantment about her. It was all too easy to pretend she belonged in this world and that the man waltzing her about the floor was hers for an eternity instead of mere days. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say Lord Nelson was angling to lead you out for the next set.”

She missed a step in surprise. “Surely not.”

“You’ve made a sensation.” Brand nodded. Pride reflected in his eye and expression. “Shall I let him, or should I play the selfish suitor and deny him?” The look he bestowed upon her spoke of jealousy, and she hoarded that to her heart like the victory it was. He already thought of her as his.

In that second, Elizabeth made a decision solely for herself. “Brand?” Feeling reckless, she gave him what she hoped was a suggestive glance.

“Hmm?” On the next turn, he took full advantage and pulled her close, holding her hand between their chests.

The romance of it tugged at her heartstrings and sent her head into the clouds. “Could we please leave early?” She could hardly think with him so close and her heart beating so fast surely he must hear it.

He frowned. “Are you not enjoying yourself?”

“I am, greatly, especially while dancing, but…” Oh, dear heavens. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Did other women have this problem? “I’d rather find myself alone with you, perhaps on your sloop for a different sort of… entertainment.” Please say you know the direction of my thoughts.

“Ah.” His eye widened in astonishment. Then it was his turn to miss a step. “Are you certain?”


“You are referring to…”

“Yes.” It was adorable how flustered he’d suddenly become. Never had she been so sure of anything. “I think it’s time.”