“You have been a rapt pupil.” Pleasure rumbled in his voice as he snaked an arm about her waist. “I’ll need to provide harder quizzes in future.”

“Surely, not more knots.” Frissons of both alarm and need skittered over her skin.

“One last question for today. How does the rudder on my sloop work?” Then he scattered her concentration by pressing his lips to the underside of her jaw and nibbled a particularly sensitive spot there.

A shiver raced down her spine. “Um…” She couldn’t think with him so near and smelling so delicious. “It’s a flat piece of wood.”

“Mmmhmm.” He slid his lips along the side of her neck while caressing a hand up and down her ribcage.

Oh, dear.Awareness of him intensified. “Larger boats—ships—control the rudder by a wheel, while smaller vessels have a steering mechanism directly aft.” A shaky breath escaped her when he teased the hollow of her throat with his tongue. “That is what the sloop has.”

“Aye. You have quite the affinity for learning.”

Elizabeth placed a palm on his solid chest and slid it upward. When his gaze found hers, another round of flutters erupted in her belly. “It’s all so exciting, this life that you lead.” Beyond that, she adored the feeling of freedom found on the water, loved being with him in any capacity, and the times he called her by a nickname were the ones she’d treasure always. Part of her wondered if it was a sin to enjoy her days with him, while the other part worried because she had so few left. “Now I know why you prefer the water.”

“Just wait until you meet the sea.” He resumed nibbling her skin. While he followed the scooped bodice, he pressed baby-fine kisses to the tops of her breasts.

She’d melt into his arms if he kept on with his ministrations. With a hand, she cupped his cheek and forced his chin up until he looked into her face. “Tell me about your family. I wish to know as much as I can about you, while I can.”

Insecurity briefly flashed in his eye, gone with his next blink. “You don’t need to hear about them.” Brand pulled her closer into his embrace. “Not right now when we can find many other uses for our mouths.”

“Oh!” She gave into a full body shiver at the delights his words conjured, but she pushed him away and held him at arm’s length. “I won’t let you distract me, Brand Storme. Talk first then we’ll play.” Cold sadness pooled in her stomach. “I only have a handful of days with you.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“William switched departure dates. We leave England on September first instead of fifteen days later.”

Shock lined his expression as his eye widened in surprise. “There’s four days left.”

“I know.” Silly tears crowded her throat. “I told him I didn’t want to go, but he said without solid plans, I couldn’t stay.” Would that prompt the captain to say something about a possible future together?

“Four days together.” Why did panic flare deep in his eye?

“It’s disheartening, I know, but we’ll have to make the best of it.” Yet, that wouldn’t sustain her in the lonely years in India. “William means to match me with an Englishman there, for then he won’t bear the responsibility of me any longer.” And she would never see Brand again, let alone perhaps find a life with him. When tears welled in her throat, she quickly swallowed to stave them off.

“Your brother.” He clenched his jaw so tight a muscle ticked in his cheek. “He’s not as good as you think.”

“What do you mean?”

Brand shook his head. “It’s premature to reveal my knowledge.”

What did that mean, and why did he look as if he wanted to call out her brother? “Then tell me of your family.”

“Fine.” His voice softened. “You’re quite a troublesome bit of baggage.”

“Better that than one having no personality or backbone.” Oh, dear. Should she have said that? When she glanced at him, he wore a wide grin. “Unless you prefer your women docile and submissive. I’ve had a lifetime to learn how.” Was that truly her flirting with the captain?

His eye darkened with desire. “I prefer my women spirited with a sense of adventure.” Brand once more tugged her close. He slid a hand down her back and at her buttock, he pinched a cheek. When she squealed, he snorted. “Are you that sort of woman, Lizzy?”

Was she? A week ago, the answer would most certainly have been no. But now? She met Brand’s gaze, nearly drowned in that stormy pool. Now, she had no idea who she was as a woman or a follower of the Lord. Somehow, the answer to that question lay with Brand. “I hope to discover that soon.” Why did she feel such a connection to this man after a short time? There was no answer to that question either.

“I’d be happy to help you find out.” He slid a hand around her nape and slowly reeled her toward him.

“No. You’re distracting me again.” Elizabeth struggled out of his hold to her feet. She stumbled out of the rope coil and moved to the starboard bow railing and leaned her forearms upon it. Being close to him blanketed her ability to think clearly, but she would have her answers. “Why do you dislike talking about your family?”

Eventually, Brand joined her at the railing. “I’m not one to dwell on the past.” He took up a similar stance to hers, their shoulders touching. “They only think to order me about in much the same way that William does you.”

“Understandable.” Once again, they had things in common. “But they are your family, Brand, not an event you survived that you’re trying to forget.”