Philip snorted. “You’re always randy. What ails you?”

“I’m of a mind to think over these letters.” Word from home had ruined his libido and had swamped him with unwanted ennui. Besides, he wasn’t all that certain Molly was disease-free. As much as he might lust after her in some moments, he still believed in being careful.

“You know, we could give you a challenge and place a wager on it,” George said, his expression nonchalantly sly as he looked over his own hand of cards.

“Oh? What on?” Brand straightened his spine as excitement trickled down. At least it was something.

His friend gestured at the window. A woman trailed after a man clad in a black suit through the street, clearly having been shopping if the number of bags and boxes they each carried was any indication. “The clergyman’s sister.”

“What of her?” Brand had seen her around the town a few times, but a woman of her views and drab looks didn’t interest him. “And isn’t he a missionary?”

“Does it matter?” Philip asked.


George winked. “The objective is to kiss her.”

“What? Her?” Brand glanced more closely out the window as she passed. Nothing about her tempted him, for even in the summer’s heat she wore a brown spencer, and her dress was two sizes too large. To say nothing of the hideous, outdated straw bonnet that hid her face and hair from view. Perhaps it was an effort to hide.

George settled more comfortably into his chair, his cheeks rosy either from his plan or the beer. “You brag about being able to charm any woman into a kiss upon first meeting. Why not her?”

“Indeed.” Philip nodded with enthusiasm. Even John grinned, for they’d all heard the stories. “Perhaps they’ll visit the traveling fair tomorrow. Her brother is always trying to convert their souls.”

Both the preacher’s presence at the fair and the thought of kissing such a creature as his sister soured Brand’s stomach. Surely there was other game to be had in town. Yet, he never could turn down a challenge. “What’s the prize? I won’t do it if there’s no motivation.”

This time it was John who spoke. “One hundred pounds. We’ll all chip in.” When each man nodded, his grin widened. “That’s enough motivation, eh, Captain?”

“Not bad.” That was a hell of a sum, and the fact the three were willing to split it said volumes to their friendship with him. “It’ll join my savings to buy a bigger craft than my sloop.” Which would let him go farther out to sea and perhaps away from England permanently. A new life in a new part of the world. Now that was a dream. “What sort of kiss?”

His friends exchanged glances. George said, “Full lip contact. Tongue, if needed to make her knees weak. We’ll be watching.”

“And if I lose?” The task, while not impossible, wasn’t exactly easy. A missionary’s sister wasn’t the same as a buxom and willing barmaid. No doubt she’d be frigid and bristling with maidenly virtue. He’d probably earn a slap for his efforts.

“You pay us the one hundred pounds.” Philip hooted with laughter. “At least our rent will be caught up.”

For long moments Brand glanced around the table at his closest friends in the world. They’d formed a surrogate family for him while in the Navy. “What the hell? Challenge accepted.” He grinned. “Now, how do I manage it?”

That was the question, but the proposal had beaten back the lurking blue devils.