Suddenly, the barmaid’s charms held no sway. A wave of disgust poured over him enough to cause him to step away from her. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve as the pair at the hall’s end entered the dining room.

Thank God she didn’t see me.

With his mind reeling and the need for repentance riding down his spine, Brand peered at Molly. “I beg your pardon.” He took another step backward as confusion wrapped around him.

What the devil is happening to me?

Her eyes were bright, her lips kiss-swollen, but annoyance lined her face. “You need only to say the word and I’ll gladly warm your bed, Captain.” Her gaze dipped to the front of his breeches. In a blatant display, she licked her lips. “I’ll do anything you ask or can imagine.”

Heat, swift and sure, went through his hard member. “I’m quite well without your attentions. Thank you.” The thought of her in his bed was no longer pleasing. He wanted Elizabeth, naked and writhing, beneath him, her hair spread over his pillows, her apple blossom scent clinging to his sheets instead of Molly’s cloying scent of roses, her lips on his.

Dear God.Never had he put so much effort into seducing a woman as he had with Elizabeth, and never had he cared to learn so much about one as well. He enjoyed hearing about her life and her dreams. No, she’d hadn’t fawned over him like the others, which made the chase that much more intriguing. Why was he investing the time, letting thoughts of her overtake his sanity, when all he needed to do was finish the seduction and win the wager?

The barmaid pouted as she hopped off the table. “If you change your mind…”

“I won’t. That I can promise.” At this point, I don’t even know my own mind. He shoved a hand through his hair as the man he was battled with the man he wished to be.

“It’s that meek woman, isn’t it?” Molly asked, narrowing her eyes. “You fancy her over me, because I’m bad and she’s good.”

“I… I honestly never looked at it that way.” Did his subconscious think that? “I’m not a saint either.” Too bad all of Ipswich knew that, too. Did his past bother Elizabeth? He hadn’t thought to inquire. If it did, what then?

“Well, if you want more experience in the sheets instead of her who’ll just lie there, come find me. You’d be a fat lot better in the sack than the skinny missionary, that’s what,” Molly grumbled. She held the tray against her chest. “For all his talk of damnation and hell, he’s rough and cruel in bed. Got the bruises to prove it. And he doesn’t pay full price.”

“What?” Brand’s eyebrows shot upward. Anger burned through his chest. Regardless of Molly’s station in life, she didn’t deserve to have any man beat her. “You’ve… serviced Mr. Hayhurst?” Now that was news worth hearing. And he’d tuck that bit away for future leverage if needed.

“Since he came to Ipswich. Regular, like clockwork. Usually once a week when his sister is on her daily walk.” She shrugged. “Coin is coin. I don’t mind where it comes from, especially when rent’s due.” Then she walked down the hall toward the door leading to the tavern.

“Now what to do about that?” he whispered to himself with his hands on his hips. All too soon, his ruminations were interrupted when John joined him in the corridor.

“Your tastes have suddenly changed?”


“Interesting.” John snorted. “For the past few months, you’ve angled to get the barmaid alone. Now you act like she’s poison.”

Brand glanced at his best friend in time to catch the knowing light in his eyes. “What difference does it make to you?” He didn’t like not knowing himself, didn’t care for the upheaval Elizabeth had caused within his being, didn’t enjoy the thoughts that he might have an interest in her beyond taking her to bed.

“Does this mean you’ll take up the wager?” Speculation shadowed his face. “How bad could continuing in Miss Hayhurst’s company be?”

How bad? It could very well change his life, and that terrified him. “Yes, damn it. But how will you know I haven’t lied?”

“Secure a lock of her hair as a memento. Then we’ll know.”

“Fine.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “Are you happy?”

John shrugged. “Are you?”

Hell if I know.“Buggar you all,” he growled, and without another word, Brand left the area, bound for his room as he navigated the confusing, twisting corridors of the hotel.

What the devil was he to do? The proposed modified wager was a game sure enough, but someone would be hurt at the end. And he suspected it might be him, because he was in danger of becoming the biggest bacon-brained idiot.

Over a woman.