“What are you doing?” Concern threaded through her tones as she turned her head to look at him. “This isn’t proper, Brand. Let me off.”

Her protest increased his desire. There was something about being able to teach this woman, usher her into carnal pleasures, that he couldn’t glean from liaisons with other women. “Not a chance. You’ll enjoy this.”

Her swallow was audible. “I might not have personal knowledge, but I don’t think this is how it goes.”

Oh, how delightfully naïve she was. “Shh.” He slid his lips down the soft column of her neck. “There are many ways one can achieve release. But first, we’re going to play.” When he nuzzled the spot where her neck met her shoulder, the shiver that worked its way through her body transferred to him.

“Like we did the other day on the hill?” Elizabeth lifted her chin to provide him greater access.

“Better.” He needed to go slowly, for as much as she was enjoying herself now, her muscles were still tensed, ready for flight. “If at any time you feel uncomfortable, tell me and I’ll cease immediately.” As he spoke, he drew his fingers up and down the inside of her left arm. When gooseflesh popped on her skin, he gave the same treatment to her right. Oh, yes, this would be such fun. “Do you like that?”

“Yes.” A whisper propelled the word into being. She relaxed backward against his chest. “It makes me feel both naughty and excited.”

“Then I’m doing it correctly.”

“But this, doing this, is a sin. God won’t like it.” Her voice was small and soft.

“Honestly, I’m not sure God even concerns himself with every couple that’s indulging in pleasure all in this same moment.” But he paused. “Do you wish to continue?”

“Yes.” The breathlessness of the reply confirmed her intent.

For several minutes, he caressed her arms, the side of her neck, glanced his fingers along the bodice of her dress, pausing every so often to let her acclimate to his ministrations. “All is well?” he murmured then gently bit her earlobe.

“Oh, yes. It’s lovely.”

“How about this?” Daring much, Brand dipped a finger beneath her bodice. He did nothing more than stroke that digit over the swell of her breast.

“No.” With a slight shake of her head, she deterred his hand.

“All right, but are you sure?”

A moment of silence, then, “No…”

“Then let’s try that again.” He did, and when she uttered a soft sigh, he grinned. “Good.” He kissed her shoulder, nibbled a path up to her nape and kissed the fragrant skin there. Then he withdrew his finger and eased his hand beneath her bodice to cup that fleshy globe. “Does this feel like a sin, Lizzy?” he whispered against the shell of her ear.


“Such pleasure is God-given.”

“William says it’s from the devil in order to trap Christians and make them stray from the path of righteousness.”

By sheer willpower, Brand bit back the retort he sorely wanted to make. Instead, he said, “Then William is doing it wrong.” The warmth of her skin sank into him as he molded that mound to fit his palm. Only then did he brush her nipple ever so gently with a finger, and he waited.

“Oh!” Elizabeth sat up so quickly her head bumped against his chin. “I’m sorry. You took me by surprise.”

“Think nothing of it.” He ignored the slight pain but brushed his finger over that tip again, encouraging it to tighten. His mouth watered, for he could almost feel the pebbled skin on his tongue. “Shall I continue?”

“Yes, please.”

That tiny little plea went straight to his shaft and he clenched his teeth against the urgency. Reminding himself to use care in the handling her, he tugged down her bodice until her glorious breasts were bared to the sun and his gaze. Thank God there weren’t other vessels nearby, for he didn’t want any other man to look upon her charms. They were for him alone… at least in this moment.

“Brand?” Worry rang in her tone. Again, her body tensed.

“Easy, now. Relax and enjoy what I’m doing.” He kept his voice light and soothing as if coaxing a skittish animal out of hiding. As he murmured empty endearments, he took her breasts in his hands, gently kneading them, holding them, smashing them together to better see the dark rosy tips harden into aroused buds. Damn, but he wanted to taste them, tease those nipples with his tongue, and he would soon.

Elizabeth once more reclined against him with a sigh. With a tight grin and a tighter control on his shaft, Brand rubbed his palms along those straining tips. They hardened further. She squirmed on his lap, which did nothing to relieve the ache in his shaft. He took her breasts in hand once more. This time, he rolled the buds starting at their base and eased his way upward until he worried the nipple itself.

“Mercy,” she breathed. The utterance mixed with a moan. “We shouldn’t.”