“No.” When she smiled, he forgot how to breathe properly, for the full force of that gesture had the power to knock him off his seat. “It’s been you, Brand.”

“How so?”

“You saw me when I was all but invisible. You continued to meet with me even though you know my brother.” Her smile faded slightly. “You’ve gone out of your way to court me when no one else would. That alone has buoyed my spirit and encouraged me to start finding my place in the world.”

Heat crept up the back of his neck, for her praise tightened the knots in his stomach. He was nothing but a blackguard and would corrupt this innocent without regret, all for the sum of five hundred pounds. “I don’t know about that. You’re placing too much importance on me, and I’m not that altruistic a fellow.” Hell, for far too long he’d only thought about himself. Still did and wasn’t inclined to change.

“Hush, you.”

“It’s true. I’m not the hero you think.”

“You’re enough of one to warrant that moniker with me.” The longer she stared at him, the more uncomfortable he became. “William needs to realize I’m entitled to live my own life, to find my place in the world, even if it’s not the same as his.”

“Quite right.”

“He also needs to understand I don’t see the world the same as he does, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Absolutely, there isn’t.” With every statement uttered, her voice sounded stronger. Brand’s respect for her grew.

“I have a feeling it will be a long process and bring a fight with each step.” She released the ribbon beneath her chin and removed her bonnet with a sigh. When she placed it on the bench beside her, the wind caught it and swept it to the decking. Elizabeth didn’t notice, for the whole of her focus was on his face. “Should we toast to the new life I’m moving into?”

“Uh, sure.” The silly widgeon didn’t realize one didn’t toast with liquor, but he wouldn’t dissuade her. After removing the cork in the bottle’s top, he slightly lifted it. “Here’s to future endeavors.” He took a swig from the bottle and let the burn of the alcohol slide down his throat before offering it to her. “Careful you don’t over-imbibe your first time out.”

“I promise.” With care, Elizabeth lifted the bottle to her lips. She took a delicate sip. Immediately, she coughed and sputtered. Moisture pooled in her eyes. “You men make it look so easy and elegant, but this is a vile drink.”

“Only because you’re not accustomed to it.” There was something wild and arousing about watching a proper female drink from a brandy bottle. “Try again.” Besides, the liquor would relax her for things to come.

As she held his gaze, she once more lifted the bottle to her lips. Then she took a healthy gulp. Again, she coughed and gave the bottle back to him. Her eyes streamed. “Goodness, it burns, but once that’s faded, there’s a certain… smooth loveliness to it.”

“And I’m certain I’ll land in hell if you start taking a liking to booze.” He took another swig for courage and then recorked the bottle. “You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever known.” That was God’s honest truth. Once he’d set the bottle on the deck, he turned toward her, their knees crashing together. Full blown lust streaked through his insides.

It was time.

“Is that a good thing?” Apprehension clouded her bluer than blue eyes.

“Absolutely.” Best to continue with the flattery until he’d obtained his goal. Brand took her hands and slowly removed her gloves. They fell to the deck with the veriest of whispers. “You make me want to be a better man.” Another truth, and this one stabbed through his chest leaving surprise in its wake.

“That makes me so happy.” She trembled, and for the space of one heartbeat, he considered not going through with the wager, but then the urgent need hardening his shaft scattered that thought.

“Good.” One by one, he plucked the pins and combs from her hair. As he tucked them into the interior pocket of his jacket, she shook out her tresses and they flowed about her back and shoulders in the most erotic of waterfalls. “Ah, Lizzy. I’m a fortunate man indeed that you’ve chosen me,” he murmured as he slid his arms about her and pulled her close. Again, that wasn’t far from the truth, but oh how she would rage once the wager became known.

Elizabeth planted a palm against his chest, holding him off when he would have kissed her. She found his gaze with hers. “Before we go farther, can you promise that you haven’t bedded the blonde barmaid at the tavern?” A trace of insecurity flitted through her expressive eyes. “I have the feeling she’s angling for your attentions.”

If only you knew.Despite the renewed heat that crawled up the back of his neck, Brand nodded. “I’ve not bedded her.” She didn’t need to know that he’d thought about it.

“I knew you were better than that.” With a happy sigh, she pressed herself into his embrace, and when her lips found his, she shivered and went pliant in his arms.

No, he was a bastard and a snake, but he shoved self-recrimination from his mind to better concentrate on kissing her senseless. The sharp taste of brandy on her tongue spurred him onward. He plundered her mouth, explored every centimeter of her soft lips until she was breathless, and she restlessly plucked at his cravat.

“Would you rather move below to the cabin?” The delicate scent of her teased his nose, and made him more reckless than usual.

“Not just yet.” She nipped and nibbled a path beneath his jaw, and the hesitancy of her movements only increased his ardor. Her inexperience fanned the fires popping his blood. “However, I do want to explore your chest. I’ve…” The blush renewed in her cheeks. “I’ve thought of that since the other day.”

A tremor moved through his shaft. She thought of being intimate with him? “That’s easily done.” Brand eased back. It took all of thirty seconds to divest himself of the jacket and waistcoat. They joined her bonnet and gloves on the deck. When he reached for his cravat, she was there ahead of him, tugging at the length of cloth until the ends came loose and danced in the breeze.

“Much better.” Elizabeth slid her palms up his chest and pressed her lips to the skin bared by the gaping placket of his fine linen shirt. “You’re so different from me.” Before he knew it, she’d pulled the tails from his breeches. The moment she laid her bare palm to his chest beneath the garment, he hissed as need circled through his belly.

Damnation, but he couldn’t wait to feel her hands on other parts of his body. Her caresses hadn’t been erotic in nature, but they’d stoked fires that couldn’t be doused. Too much more of that innocent play and he’d spend before he was ready. “Perhaps I should guide you in this, hmm?” Before she could say anything, he resituated himself on the bench and hauled her into his lap with her back to his chest, her legs dangling over the sides of his.