A barmaid ambled in her direction. With her blonde curly hair and half her bosom on display, she was no doubt a crowd favorite in the tap room. “Are you lost, Miss Hayhurst?” Amusement twinkled in her brown eyes.

“Ah, no. I’m looking for Captain Storme. Is he here?” The only other option was inquiring of the concierge of the hotel.

“It’s one o’clock. He and his mates take luncheon in private dining room number one every day.” The barmaid gestured with her head at a door that led to another narrow corridor. “Do you want me to fetch him? I never turn down a chance to be with him.”

Elizabeth frowned. She was well aware where the private dining rooms where located. “How often do you talk with the captain?”

The other woman shrugged as she balanced a wooden tray filled with dirty dishes. “Depends, but he’s not exactly keen on talking when I’m around, if you know what I mean.” She winked. “I have my duties, miss.”

Did that mean that woman was a favorite of Brand’s? Hot jealousy stabbed through her chest. It was such a foreign emotion that it stole her breath for a second. Had he been entertaining that barmaid while spending time with her? The possibility of it strengthened her resolve. If she wanted to change her fate and find her purpose, she needed to go after it herself. It wouldn’t simply come to her.

With her spine ramrod straight, Elizabeth marched through the room. She wrenched open the door and proceeded along the dimly lit corridor until she arrived at the first door at the end of the hall. William always requested room number four. The door was open, allowing the sound of male laughter to filter to her location. Her throat went dry. This was the height of improper, even she knew that, but she refused to let her brother win, and she’d be darned if the only thing in her life was what he decreed.

Hoping whoever was in that room wouldn’t see how badly her hands shook, Elizabeth stood just inside the doorway. Four men occupied the round table, one of them the captain. Sunlight filled the room. Immediately, all sound ceased when her presence was detected. Her nerves felt strung too tight, but she cleared her throat. “I’d like to speak with Captain Storme for a moment.” Drat the fact that her voice broke at the last second.

“Miss Hayhurst.” Surprise rang in Brand’s tone as he scrambled to his feet along with the other men. He tossed a few playing cards to the tabletop. “What the devil are you doing here?” Pleasure lined his expression before concern banished it as he came toward her, looking for all the world like scandal and sin with his relaxed cravat and his disheveled hair. “Are you well?”

“Yes. Please don’t worry.” Merely seeing him, hearing his voice after days apart put her at ease. She kept her tone low, for she didn’t know those other men. “I wanted to see you.”


“I…” Oh, how embarrassing! The weight of the men’s stares smacked into her despite the breadth of Brand’s shoulders. In the barest of whispers, she said, “I missed you.”

Emotions darkened his eye, but she couldn’t read them. “Is that right?” His lips curved into the devil’s own grin. “I can honestly say that I’ve missed you too.”

Flutters filled her belly. Anxiety crawled over her skin. “I didn’t hear from you.”

His shrug was an elegant affair. “I had a supply run and only returned not a quarter of an hour before, but I’d planned on calling for you.”

She nodded. “I apologize for interrupting but…” Fear of the unknown kept her captive. Never had she been brave enough to assume control of her own life. “Will you take me sailing this afternoon?” she all but blurted in the same low voice as before.

“Of course.” His eyebrows shot upward, but interest and deviltry lined his expression. “Should I bring anything in particular on this outing?”

Dear heavens, if the heat in her cheeks intensified any more, she’d expire on the spot. “A bottle of brandy and… just you.” Her heartbeat raced. Did other women think they might expire by being so bold? “That’s all I need.” She cocked an eyebrow to be certain he understood the request.

His lower jaw dropped open as he stared. “Are you certain?”

“Yes.” The word barely squeaked out from her tight throat. “I’ve thought of nothing else the past few days.”

Brand rubbed a hand along his cheek and jaw where a shadow of stubble had formed. Then he nodded. “Meet me on the wharf in an hour at the Charlotte. I’ll be there.”

Relief coursed down her spine. “Thank you.” Every ounce of courage she’d managed to summon dissipated. She turned on her heel and fled. Dear Lord, I’ve just propositioned a man!

If that didn’t send her straight to hell, what she’d do next with the captain surely would, but that risk was more than worth it, for she had faith he’d marry her. He was an honorable sort, wasn’t he? Surely, she’d feel it if he weren’t.