“And the beauty I saw that first day.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. “You work is exceptional, Miss Danvers. We’ll take the lot, as well as the other things I mentioned, but Miss Hayhurst will wear this one out.”

“Very good, Captain. Shall I bill you?”

“Ah, no. I’ll pay you today.”

A delighted smile curved Miss Danvers’ lips. “I’ll have them wrapped and boxed right away.” The shop owner vanished behind the curtain.

Elizabeth forced a swallow to encourage moisture into her suddenly dry throat. The light fabric of the dress wisped about her legs and cooled her skin much better than the horrid linen she usually wore. “I’ll be seen as a kept woman if I accept your generosity.”

“Consider it a gift.” He winked and continued to hold her hand. In fact, he drew her a tiny bit closer to himself. “I’m not bound for hell like you think, Lizzy. I do good works too, just not in the church or its name.”

Another blush fired in her cheeks. At this rate, she’d perish in a blaze if he didn’t stop. “You’re a better man than you think.” And she was such a ninny that she was falling for him due to his charm and attentions. “How will I explain all of this to my brother?” His rage and bruised ego would demand she throw the new clothes out.

“Tell him an anonymous donor outfitted you so that you can better serve the community.” With a slight tug, he pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss that left her reeling and wanting more. “Nothing has given me greater pleasure than seeing you dressed as you should have been this whole time.”

“Oh, Brand.” Her voice broke and she once more dabbed at her moist eyes. “Thank you. No one has ever done something so nice for me.”

“You’re welcome.” If he were as pleased as he’d said, why was there sadness and a touch of fear deep in his eye? Both were gone with a shake of his head. “After this, we’ll go to the tea house you suggested. It will give me a chance to show you off and revel in the fact you’re gracing my arm.”

Tingles showered down Elizabeth’s spine. Goodness, but the more time she spent with him, the deeper into sin she fell.

At the moment, she didn’t mind the danger, for she rather liked the attention and belonging.

Dear Lord, please forgive me just this once.