His laugh was too shaky for his liking. Firmly, he told himself that nothing mattered except winning that damned wager. The fact he found her company on his sloop pleasant or her delight infectious was immaterial. “If you want to continue down this path, will you meet me tomorrow?”

“Yes, but is our time together now ending so soon?” Disappointment threaded through her question. “I’d rather not return just yet.”

A grin curved his lips. Oh, yes, she was interested. “It’s not, but I wished to secure your promise before you grow too enamored of sailing and forgot all about me.” He grabbed her hand, drew it to his lips, and kissed the back. “Where tomorrow, and when?”

“In the village.” A fierce blush burned in her cheeks. “Just before noon.”

“I’ll do my level best.”

“Good.” Her hand shook in his. Her fearful anticipation was endearing. “My brother won’t be suspicious of that, for I often spend time talking to the women there. It’s a pleasant enough outing.”

Suddenly, he was jealous of the time she spent with anyone else, but the emotion was so out of place that he tucked it away with everything else he refused to analyze or give life to. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll go to hell if you linger in my company?”

Elizabeth lifted a hand and tentatively brushed a lock of hair from his forehead. That tiny gesture tugged at his chest for all its intimacy that had nothing to do with carnal endeavors. “Perhaps, but I’m weighing the risks against the rewards.” When she winked, Brand’s lower jaw dropped. This was the same missionary’s sister he’d met mere days ago? What else did she hide beneath that demure, frumpy façade? She stood. “Now, come. Point out the sights to me and give me a tour of your boat.”

“Ship,” he murmured and scrambled to his feet. None of the other women he’d brought on board had ever shown an interest in the craft or the scenery; they’d merely wanted him twisted in the sheets with them, feeding their need the same as him. Excitement shivered up his spine. “You’re a conundrum, Lizzy. It’s going to bedevil me for certain.”

When she glanced over her shoulder at him with her hair lifted on the breeze, she had the look of a water sprite who’s figured out her horizons have expanded. “What’s life without an adventure you’re unfamiliar with?”


What the devil had he gotten himself into, and why couldn’t he wait to find out what would happen next?