What the devil did that mean? Surely she hadn’t had her fortune told. “The same can be said of us all.” His mind reeled at the information he’d taken in. If she were truly to leave, he had to work quickly to win the wager. When confusion clouded her eyes, he continued. “However, if we may return to the matter at hand?”

“Which was what? I’ve quite forgotten in the excitement of discovering your title.”

Indeed, and he would use that to advantage soon. “The kiss, and my apology therein.”

“It was rather shocking.”

“But interesting nonetheless?” Perhaps it was vanity on his part, but he hoped she’d like some of it.

“I shouldn’t think so.”

“Is that Miss Hayhurst the woman talking, or the views of the church and your brother rattling about your head?”

“How dare you!” She retreated a step. “Regardless, decent men don’t go about stealing kisses. It’s not proper.” With a hand, she fanned her face.

“Perhaps not, but if we don’t take a chance every now and again, how will we ever change our fate?”

This time, it was her eyebrows that shot into her hair line. Speculation filled her eyes. “Change our fate. Have you had your fortune read, then?”

“No, of course not.” Conversing with her was rather convoluted. Taking pity on her, Brand delved a hand into his interior jacket pocket and then handed her a pristine, folded handkerchief. “You seem to need this.”

“Thank you.” She wasted no time in dabbing at her upper lip and forehead. “It’s rather warm today.”

“Next time you venture out, leave the spencer behind, and wear a dress made of lighter material. You’ll faint before too long.”

“If it were up to me, I would. However, William says a woman should always deport herself with modesty. That means limbs should remain covered regardless of the weather without the chance of seeing through fabric.”

“Oh, botheration.” Then it was true. The clergyman sought to impose his will upon his sister. “Seeing a woman’s bare arms will not drive men to insanity.” Feeling a tad desperate, he turned her about. “Look around. Every female at this fair wears short sleeves and wrist gloves. None of them want to wilt into the meadow grass like you will do soon.” He dropped his hand from her person. “Couple that with the ponderous headgear and it’s no wonder you’re struggling.”

“A woman of the church shouldn’t mirror herself after the world,” Miss Hayhurst said softly. “I’m to set myself apart in order to be a beacon.”

Brand clenched his jaw so tightly he feared his teeth might crack. He’d been wrong. Seducing her wouldn’t be as easy as he’d thought. At this rate, he couldn’t see himself convincing her of anything in a week. “Dressing for the weather doesn’t make you a sinner.”

“I sometimes wonder…” When she didn’t finish the thought, a muscle moved in his cheek.

“In any event, I find myself fascinated by you, Miss Hayhurst.” That wasn’t a lie. She was a conundrum, a riddle he wished to solve if only to streamline the seduction, and he needed to move this mockery along. “Will you meet me here at the fair tomorrow around this time?”

A gasp escaped her. She looked up into his face. Shock once more lined her expression, coupled with a very faint wash of hope. “You wish to see me again.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes, of course. Why shouldn’t I?”

“I’ve been in Ipswich for a year and no man has ever shown an interest.”

No doubt largely to her brother’s tight control as well as the same methods the church employed on females. To say nothing of her off-putting appearance. “Perhaps it’s time to change that.”

Confusion clouded her eyes. “I’m not certain I can.”

“Do you want to?” When she didn’t answer, he shrugged as if her acquiescence didn’t really matter. “Life is full of risks and rewards. You must decide which one you want, and if you have the courage to embrace the future based on that decision.”

“Meaning?” She clutched the handkerchief in her hand. The longing in her face was more pronounced as she warred with herself and thoughts that had no doubt been ingrained into her from childhood. In that one instant, he and she were more alike that she knew. Except her prison was of religion’s making while his was a trap of the aristocracy.

Both cages, still.

“Come tomorrow afternoon or don’t. I intend to find adventure in my day, nonetheless. If you want that as well, all the better.” Brand touched a finger to his hat brim. “Enjoy the remainder of your day, Miss Hayhurst.”

Oh, yes, she’d been well and truly hooked, but only a woman of fortitude would wish to move forward into scandal. Which one would she choose to be? Despite himself, he was anxious to discover that answe