Jane touched a fingertip to her heart pendant. “After two failed engagements, I now wonder if I have strength enough to perhaps risk my heart again.”

“That is indeed an issue. The duke appears hale and hearty while the major already battles health concerns.”

“Not to mention the demons in his mind. No doubt seeing years of battle will do that to a man.” The duke hadn’t felt the call to follow the drum. Was that a black mark against his character?

“It’s quite simple, really. Do you think the major will fulfil every longing you have? Can he provide a life for you that you’ve grown accustomed to? If he can’t, you’ll have your answer regardless of how you feel.”


Fanny squeezed her fingers. “Security is better than love, and you’ll have that with the duke, but poverty and want will kill even the fondest of feelings, especially if the major isn’t able to somehow make a living. He doesn’t hold a title nor will he unless his brother dies.”

Tears sprang to Jane’s eyes. “I don’t have the answers, or at least I’m not ready to face the answers I should give.” She didn’t want to toss Finn away merely due to the fact that he wasn’t a whole man.

“You’ll have everything you need with the duke,” Fanny said with the shake of her head. “Nothing we do is easy; I know that, but at times, you must make a decision even if you hate every moment of it.”

Love or security? A comfortable life or constant worry? Possible motherhood or finding contentment with her clinic work?

But I won’t have Finn.Her heart ached as if squeezed by an invisible vice. Why must I decide?

“I’m sorry you must go through this, but consider yourself lucky to have such a dilemma.” Fanny shrugged. Sadness clouded her eyes for a second, gone with her next blink. “You have two men. I’ve never been given a chance for one.”

“Oh, Fanny, I’m sorry to have dumped this upon you.” The thought occurred to her that Trey would be a perfect match for her friend, but she didn’t have the strength or wherewithal to play matchmaker just now. Not when her own life was in such chaos.

“It’s all right. I hope that whatever decision you make, you’ll find happiness.”

Before Jane could form a response, Boswell once more appeared at the door.

“My lady, Major Storme has arrived wishing to see you. Shall I show him in?”

Dear heavens, he’d called on her! That was an extraordinary step for him. She exchanged a glance with Fanny as her heartbeat accelerated and tingles of anticipation danced down her spine. “I…”

Her friend rose with a smile. “I’ll come ’round in a few days, unless you need me sooner.” She winked. “Good luck.”

“Thank you.” Jane looked at Boswell as Fanny left the room with her limping gait. “Please show the major in. And order tea. I’m suddenly famished.” Having one day a week for at-home visits was exhausting.

“Very good, my lady.” The butler vanished, and Jane sagged into the sofa a moment to catch her breath.

The second Finn wheeled himself into the room, her heart leaped at the sight of him, and oh, how handsome he was! A charcoal jacket of superfine hugged his shoulders and torso to show them off splendidly. His waistcoat of steel blue drew her attention to his lean abdomen, while trousers in a lighter shade of gray encased his legs, set off by impeccably shined boots. But what caught and held her gaze were his sapphire eyes and the spark of mischief there.

“I’m so happy you’ve come.” Giddiness rose in her chest as she stood. But why was he here?

“Our schedules didn’t allow an earlier meeting, so I decided to change that.” Finn moved slowly across the room. “Come and sit with me.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “I’ve rather missed you.”

A thrill shot down her spine. “How sweet.” It was easily the most romantic string of words he’d said to her. Only then did she see the posy resting in his lap of flowers in varying shades of purple. “Let us sit here.” She led the way to a low sofa of crushed navy velvet with curved bolster pillow arms. He gave her the nosegay, and she accepted it with a trembling hand. No sooner had Finn lifted himself out of his chair and settled on the sofa, looking for all the world like a beau come to call, than Boswell returned with a silver tea service.

The butler set it on an ivory-inlaid table near her location. “Will there be anything else, my lady?”

“No, thank you. But please, I don’t wish to be disturbed for the next hour. All these interruptions of the afternoon have me at sixes and sevens. I need time to gather my thoughts.” Jane brought the purple flowers to her nose before tenderly laying the offering on the same table where the duke’s bouquet waited.

“Very well. I’ll see to it.” With a nod, the butler departed. He pulled the doors closed behind him.

Once she made certain Finn was comfortable, she poured him out a cup of tea and then handed it to him. “I’ll return shortly.” With feet that didn’t feel as if they touched the floor, she lightly ran across the room and turned the key in the lock. Catching his expression of confusion, she giggled and darted to the connecting door at the side, giving it the same treatment. “I’m merely ensuring we will not know distraction.”

“I wonder why that is?” he murmured and took a sip of tea.

Dear heavens, he was mouth-watering sitting there, watching her with a hooded gaze. The shades of blue in the room perfectly complimented his color and brought out a depth to his eyes. She shivered while she returned. Heat infused her person when she took up residence on the cushion beside him. “Everything I could ever need is right here,” she finally replied with a fair amount of fire blazing in her cheeks. Had she said too much?

A wicked light glimmered in his eye. “I would have to agree.” One of his midnight eyebrows rose. “Will you take tea with me?”