“Talk to me if you’re feeling that way. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m coming to believe that.”

“And I should apologize to you.” She pulled away and dabbed at her eyes.

Confusion creased his face. “Whyever for? I’m the one who mucked everything up.”

“I shouldn’t have told you that your attitude could fix your thoughts. Being constantly positive and happy isn’t sustainable and won’t help in some situations.” Quickly, she told him how she’d spent her time in the last week. “So, I’m learning how to help men like you in other ways. Never again will I make the same mistake as I did with you, for it probably contributed to what happened—”

“Jane.” Again, he caught her hand, his grip tight, and oh how she wished she weren’t wearing gloves. “Never stop being a little bit of sunshine, because it’s desperately needed in the world… in my world.” He pulled her down and brushed his lips against hers. When he let her go, his own tears fell. What was more, he didn’t seem discomfited by them. “I was at a low point, embarrassed at my showing that night. I hated you saw me as weak, ineffectual.”

“You’re never that.” She shoved the handkerchief into his hand. “None of it changes the way I feel about you; it never will. Only you have that power.”

He nodded. “Thank you.”

A weight lifted from her shoulders. Jane offered him a small smile. “Did you receive the parcel I sent?”

“Yes.” A flush rose up his neck and into his cheeks. “Does that mean you…” How adorable he was that he couldn’t finish the sentence.

“Yes. When the time is right.” She couldn’t wait to show him how it could be, help to build his confidence so he’d know there was more to intimacy than his being able to perform.

The grin Finn flashed sent tingles down her spine and dancing through her lower belly. “Would you like to move onto the terrace? We shouldn’t waste the beautiful weather. Who knows when it’ll rain again.”

Jane nodded. “I’d like that above all things.” It was time to slow their relationship to enjoy his company, know the man he was, instead of trying to rush into something he wasn’t ready for. She moved across the room and threw open the French doors ahead of him. Once he’d wheeled himself through the opening and out onto the flagstones of the terrace, she followed…

And then immediately shrieked when two black beetles landed on her arm.

A genuine bark of laughter escaped him. “Do you require assistance?”

“No. Yes.” Quickly, she shook her arm until the interlopers flew away. As a bee circled close to investigate, she squealed and danced about until it moved on. She gave into a whole-body shiver. “I detest bugs of all kinds.” Did he think her a silly widgeon? “When we were younger, Royce used to chase me around in the country with all manner of bugs and small rodents, each one more ghastly than the last. It was terrible.”

“Poor thing.” Finn patted his knee. “Come here.”

She glanced into the drawing room, but no one had come running from her sound of alarm. Craving his comfort and touch, Jane sat on his lap, her legs nestled with his, her skirting draped over his chair. The warmth of him, the spicy citrus scent of him both accelerated her heartbeat and brought her a sense of contentment.

“I’ll protect you from every insect threat,” he whispered against the shell of her ear as he wrapped his arms around her. “I’ll put them on notice if you wish.”

“Yes, please.” Oh, it was so good to be with him again and know that he was alive. “How did your visit go with your brother?”

“How did you know about that?”

“Royce told me. You mother mentioned it in passing when he examined you.” Had she overstepped again? “If you’d rather not speak of…”

Finn tightened his fingers at her ribcage, which cut off her words. “I want to.” He nuzzled his nose into her hair. “It was better than I expected.”

“Really?” She drew back enough to look into his face. “Did you talk?”

“A bit. He’s… changed.”

Her concentration was nearly shattered when Finn nibbled at a spot beneath her jaw. Frissons of need circled through her insides. “Oh, how?” If her words were a touch breathless, it was entirely his fault.

“I think he’s fallen in love with his wife.” Marvel wove through his tones.

“But, that’s a good development.”

“It is.” One by one, Finn plucked a few combs and pins from her hair, handing them to her as he went. Two remained that kept the front portion of her tresses up. The rest of the locks tumbled down her back and shoulders. When she glanced at him, jealousy and bitterness vied for attention in his eyes. “Mother told me he left abruptly for Derbyshire to be with Sarah. Said he needed to make things right between them, but that he’d come back to Town to attend Ballantrae’s ball later.”

“I’m glad for him. Love is worth every obstacle one needs to meet.”