“I do not.”

“You’re well? Promise me you won’t attempt this again.” He looked as if he’d say more, but nothing came of it.

“I am well, but I can make you no promises. Depression is a formidable opponent.” When his brother remained silent, he grinned. “My turn to ask questions. Why the devil did you marry so quickly, and to a woman you didn’t know?”

“To fulfil my duty to the title.”

“Ah. Mother threatened you with writing to William, didn’t she?” Damn, how long had it been since he’d seen his cousins? More years than he wanted to remember. Would they come to London once the news of Drew’s marriage filtered through the ton?


Finn couldn’t help another frown. Drew remained an enigma. “Will you tell me about her? She must have an incredibly strong will if she married you, and…” He held up a forefinger when Drew’s chest swelled with anger, straining the buttons on his waistcoat. “And you’re standing here, not berating me for a shortcoming, but asking me how you might overcome yours.” That was groundbreaking. Perhaps there was much they both needed to learn.

“Such gammon. And no, I will not.” A flush appeared above his collar.

How interesting. Could it be that Drew loved his wife? “Still the arse,” Finn said with a shake of his head.

“You would know.” Drew shifted his weight from foot to foot. “I won’t take more of your time, but mind you remain in bed to rest. I don’t want any more frantic letters from Mother.”

A genuine chuckle escaped him. “Oh, I intend to stay in bed, at least for some of the time.” Heat filled his face, for if he was lucky, he might convince Jane to join him.

With a shake of his head, Drew left the room.

Once Finn delved back into the box, he took up the note again, seeing for the first time a postscript he’d missed before.

P.S. If you’re feeling confident and randy, send for me. I would be delighted to help… for the sake of science and medicine, as well as your mental health. Otherwise, I’ll call in a few days.

“Dear God.” His whole face filled with heat. Why would she want to do this? He was nothing and having her in his bed would change nothing regarding his physical prowess. However… he glanced into the box again, touched a fingertip to the sheath of thin, pliant leather. She’d made an effort to help, and that was the start of a new beginning.

Perhaps he wasn’t an unfortunate as he’d first thought.