“I’m impressed. You picked me up as if I weighed nothing.”

“You don’t. Is that such a problem?” Finn wheeled himself closer. He delved his hands beneath her skirting, shoving the fabric up and bunching it at her waist. As she leaned backward, her hands on the wooden frame of the sofa, he slid her forward on the table. She rested her feet on his shoulders, and while he spread her thighs open, he buried his head between them.

“Merciful heavens,” she breathed while her world tilted. Never in her wildest imaginings did she think he would do… that. Neither of her fiancés had ever treated her to such exquisite torture. It was rather like she’d died and was now floating, flying… “I… I…” Devil take it. Thinking and talking took too much effort, and she needed every drop of strength as he licked and nibbled his way over her sensitive flesh. The second he teased that all-important nubbin with the tip of his tongue, she temporarily lost her mind. Pleasure coursed through her entire being. Her breathing became labored and ragged. She dug her fingernails into the wooden sofa frame. And when he sucked that swollen button into his mouth…

“Finn!” Though her exclamation was muted, it didn’t seem enough. He either didn’t hear her or didn’t care, for he renewed his efforts. The man was talented, she’d give him that, as well as efficient, thorough… magical. All too soon her body shook. Tingles fell down her spine. Trembles racked her thighs where he held her steady. The circling pressure inside broke.

“Oh. Oh. Oh!” Jane bit down on her bottom lip to keep from shouting to the world as she fell into bliss. The release came hard and fast, battering her in waves of heated pleasure. She couldn’t catch her breath while flutters filled her channel; couldn’t remain anchored on her hands as her body went pliant. The surprise of it all confounded her mind.

As she slid from the table, nearly a boneless mass, Finn pulled away and caught her, held her until her feet found purchase on the floor.

“All right?” His grin was a cheeky affair as he tugged a handkerchief from an interior pocket of his jacket and wiped his face.

“Not yet, but I will be.” She shivered with residual tremors. “Turnabout is fair play though.”

“Oh? You think so?” Desire glittered in his eyes, and he wheeled backward, away from the table and the spilled dirt from the fallen plant.

“I do.” Still in a daze from how she’d come apart so easily in his care, Jane kneeled on the floor. She batted his hands away when he would have gone for the buttons of his frontfalls. “Let me.” Her fingers trembled and she fumbled the task, but eventually she opened his trousers. “May I?” she asked as she paused at the towel beneath.

“Yes, but I—”

“I’m not put off by you, Finn,” she whispered and undid the pins on each side of the towel. A quick glance into his eyes revealed his unease. “Relax and let me give you the same pleasure that you gave me.”

“I’ve looked forward to this since I met you.” He cupped her cheek, drew the pad of his thumb along her lower lip. “Thank you.”

She dipped her head. Heat surged into her cheeks and her heart skipped a beat from the gratitude she’d seen in those depths. He shouldn’t need to thank anyone for showing him kindness and respect or even having desire for him. Once his shaft was freed from the fabric, she gently fondled him, stroked her fingers up and down his silky length, reveled in the intimate heat of his length.

Slowly, ever so slowly, his member hardened from her touch. Jane cupped his stones, squeezed each one and then wrapped her fingers around the growing appendage. When she thought it might behoove her to climb into his lap and ride him, the tricky rod went limp. “Well, we can’t have that, can we?” Not overly concerned, she renewed her efforts with a bit more friction. Once more his member stiffened. She leaned into him, wetting her lips in anticipation of taking him into her mouth.

“Stop.” Emotion graveled the command. When she glanced up at him, acute embarrassment lined his face. “Not now, is what I meant.”

“All right.” Jane grabbed one of his hands. “Stroke yourself while I get into position. The hope is to not lose rigidity.”

Finn snorted but did as she asked.

She put her lips to his ear while gathering up her skirting. “I can’t wait to feel you inside me, impaling me until I want to scream your name.” At his sharply inhaled breath, she grinned and climbed into his lap, once more straddling his lap.

“Quickly,” he urged. When he grabbed her hips, Jane lifted onto her knees, took him in hand to make certain he was hard enough for the task, and then attempted to lower herself upon him. The head of his member barely cleared her opening before the erection lost much of its stamina. “Damn it.”

A trace of cold disappointment coiled through her insides. “Don’t fret. We’ll simply make you stiff again.” She delved a hand between their bodies.

“Stop it, Jane. For all that’s holy, leave off. It’s embarrassing enough.” Anger echoed in his stilted, whispered words. “The fact is I’m not able to have relations.”

“That’s not true. We can—” A squeak escaped her when he dumped her unceremoniously off his lap. She stumbled and landed on her arse in front of him, her legs splayed, her breasts hanging ignobly out of her gown. Her ardor quickly cooled. “Finn, how rude.”

“You should go.” His face, half in shadow, was a fearsome mask of anger and self-loathing.

“Why?” Her heart squeezed. She scrambled to her feet. Perhaps they could salvage the evening. “What you did already was amazing. Let us not waste the momentum.”

“Don’t you understand?” He lifted his stricken gaze to hers. “Intercourse with me isn’t possible. I’ll never know what it feels like to find release again.”

“That’s not true.” When it became apparent that he wasn’t merely stalling for time, Jane hiked her bodice back into place. “We can try again.”

He rolled his eyes. “It’s all right if you wish to show or voice your disgust with me. I had promised you a night of passion, and you received hardly that.”

“Truly, I’m not disgusted.” She turned her back. The night had lost its charm. “Please do up the buttons lest we give away our assignation.”

“Fine.” Annoyance propelled the word. He did as she asked, but his touch didn’t linger like a lover’s would. “But you are disappointed in this evening.”