“I do not.”

The doctor shrugged. “It’s difficult to say, but what you’re experiencing is encouraging. From a medical standpoint, there is a small possibility that you might regain some use of your right leg. The rest of you is questionable. But at least there is the hope of improvement.”

It was more than he had this morning. “I’m grateful for whatever happens.” Did he mean with his body or in a relationship with Jane? At this point, he couldn’t say.

“I am as well.” He stood and moved to the table where he put the folio into his bag. “I’ll see you again in three months—professionally. Personally, I’ll call sooner if you play with my sister’s affections.” The verist hint of a warning rang in his voice.

“What if she does the same with me? I’m the more vulnerable one here.”

The doctor’s expression softened. “It’s all a risk, Phineas. Only you can say if it’s worth it as long as you both go into this with your eyes wide open instead of thinking a happily ever after depends on your ability to perform in bed.”

“I understand.” It was a large hurdle to overcome, for it was his ego that would end up wounded if such a thing finished with disaster.

“Keep an eye on the leg as well as how your shaft behaves as time goes on.” Doctor Marsden took his bag in hand. He gathered his top hat and his gloves as he headed to the door. “If there are any changes—good or bad—send me a summons. I wish you luck, Major Storme, in all your… endeavors.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” Finn watched the other man go, then he glanced at Wellington. “Let’s hope I have the courage to proceed, girl, for that way there be monsters.”

Her only response was a cheerful, “Meow!”