“Indeed,” Trey said while he shoveled his fork through a pile of golden scrambled eggs. “Does he behave erratically or have mad starts of temper?”

“Not that I’m aware of.” She took a gulp of tea. Really, it was outside of enough that her brothers couldn’t let this go. They hadn’t cared that much about her last beau, who had also been in the military… not that Finn was a potential romantic partner.

Was he? Intriguing thought, that.

“Is he violent?” Trey wanted to know next.

“Absolutely not. He’s charming when he wills it, and he’s quite gentle.” She shrugged. “I think he has a cat, for I’ve seen stray hairs on his jacket a couple of times.”

The men exchanged another glance.

Royce cleared his throat. “Is he different from your other projects?”

“Don’t be more of an arse than you can help,” she bit off and set her teacup onto the table with more force than necessary. Amber liquid sloshed over the rim. “He is not a project! In fact, we’re going driving this afternoon.” Oh dear, she hadn’t meant to mention that.

Her brothers gawked, and in Trey’s case, his lower jaw dropped.

“Perhaps you’ve bats in your belfry, sister dear, for your protests and your actions do not align,” Trey began in the voice he used to counsel patients. “Are you interested in Major Storme as a man over that of a project?”

Oh, how blessed annoying the pair of them were! However, it was a fair question. “Perhaps.” She certainly wished to pursue the avenue that kiss had started. “It’s quite an intriguing theory, isn’t it?”

Again, her brothers exchanged glances, this time of unease.

Royce laid down his fork and met her gaze. Concern roiled in his. “If he conducts himself as less than a gentleman or tries to get handsy, please let me know and I will call on him.”

“You mean threaten him?” Jane shook her head. Really, this had gone too far. “The major is nothing but proper.” More’s the pity, that. “He’s not scandalous in the slightest.” It was quite sad, really, for he would no doubt be a wonderful kisser. Butterflies erupted in her belly as a testament to that thought.

“Very well, but please be mindful. A man like the major isn’t who I’d choose for you.”

A stab of annoyance cut through her chest. “Because he’s not whole?” Never would she think Royce such a pompous, prejudice arse.

“No, because falling in love with a wounded, military veteran is a rocky, uphill path to trod. Every step will be a battle, for he’s at war with his demons that could take a toll on everything between you.”

Trey nodded. “It’s harsh, but it’s the truth. Royce and I see it every day in our work.”

“I’m trying to protect you.” Royce went on. “I’d rather you know only happiness instead of frustration, for you’ve already had more sorrow than a woman should.” His words were without guile, and the concern in his eyes tugged at her heart.

“Thank you for that,” Jane said in a soft voice. “I promise to keep that in mind.”

Nothing more was said, for her father entered the room at that moment. His big, barrel-chested form seemed to fill the space, and no one would guess he was nearing the age of sixty. “Good morning, children.” He glanced at her brothers. “To what do I owe the pleasure of having the two of you at breakfast? I scarcely see you anymore.”

Royce shrugged. “We’re quite busy at the clinic. It’s turned out to be a terrific business venture.”

“That’s good to hear. Mind you don’t become too acclimated to the work; you’re destined to hold the earl’s title and that’s where your concentration should lie.”

Jane looked at Royce. All the pride and confidence had leeched from him for a moment, and he wilted before he straightened his spine and frowned. “Royce is a wonderful surgeon, Papa. He’s talented, and I’m proud of what he does.”

“That doesn’t excuse tradition or duty. Sullying one’s hands at work in exchange for coin might do well for the merchant class, but it’s crass and beneath those in the ton.” Her father’s steely gaze alighted on her. “Speaking of which, Jane dear, it’s time you settled down and marry. I’m not getting any younger and I’d like grandchildren.”

Not this again.She huffed out a breath that ruffled an escaped curl on her forehead. “You have two sons who are older than me. Harangue them to marry.”

Her father dropped into a chair while he accepted a cup of tea from the butler. Then he swung his attention to her. The intensity there made her want to hide beneath the table as she’d done when she was a little girl. “Men are different. Women, however, need the wedded state, for it’s unseemly to remain single at your advanced age.”

“I won’t marry without love, Papa. Thus far, I haven’t found it.”

“Enough of that.” He held up a hand. “I’ve been patient with you due to your abysmal luck in bringing a man to the altar. But it’s time to move on with your life.” He nodded his thanks at the butler when that man placed a loaded plate in front of him. “I’ve accepted an invitation to a ball later this month, hosted by the Duke of Ballantrae. I’d like to see you talk and dance with him. You’re beautiful enough to capture his interest.” He nodded. “He’s a good man and will make you a fine husband.”

All the happiness and anticipation she’d had previously faded away in the face of her responsibility. “Do I have a choice?”