A ripple of murmurs rode the air as many others followed his progress, for he was resplendent tonight in the soft illumination. Tiny raindrops sparkled on the shoulders of his black evening jacket, for he must have been caught in the rain while waiting for his chair before entering the house. As lean and handsome as he’d ever been, he looked even better, for he’d made a concerted effort at taming his wild hair and keeping his cravat neatly knotted. The silver embroidery winked on an emerald satin waistcoat that matched the exact color of her gown. How had he known? But the wicked light in his sapphire eyes had the power to turn her bones to mush and accelerate her heartbeat.
Finally, he’d traversed the floor and came to a stop before her. “Good evening, Lady Jane. You are easily the most beautiful woman in the room tonight.”
Oh, dear Lord, has he always been so charming?Butterflies danced through her belly as heat filled her cheeks. “Thank you for the compliment.” She forgot how to breathe when he took up her hand and shuttled it to his lips in a similar manner the duke had done, but prickling awareness zipped over her skin now. “You’re quite dashing yourself.” Her hand trembled in his, and she couldn’t stop staring at him. “Is your mother in attendance? I’d like to say hello.”
“She is. My brother Drew came as well, with his new wife, Sarah.”
“Oh?” How interesting. “What is she like? How is he acting? Are they truly in love?” There was so much she wished to know about his family, but using their limited time together talking of that seemed a waste of precious minutes.
Finn shrugged. “From what I can tell, she’s what Drew needs, and yes, he looks a besotted fool when he’s around her.” Wonder wove through his voice. “I can only hope it will last.”
“I’m sure it will. Love never steers one wrong.” She could barely squeeze out the whispered response from her suddenly tight throat.
After what seemed a scandalous amount of time, Finn released her fingers. “I saw you talking with Ballantrae as I came in.” Perhaps a touch of bitterness had entered his voice, but the spark of jealousy in his eyes betrayed his interest.
She tamped on the urge to show her pleasure. “He greeted me briefly. I promised him a dance. Then he left.” It was best to stick to the facts. Would that prompt a motion from the major?
“I see.” Finn glanced about the area before returning his regard to her. Gone was the jealousy. In its place, blatant need battled with longing. “I’m told the first waltz of the night will begin soon.” He lifted an eyebrow. “Would you do me the honor?”
“Of dancing with you?”
“Well, of spending the time with me while we listen to the strains of the waltz.” A hint of vulnerability shadowed his dear face. “We can either enjoy it from the sides of the room here, or we can remove to the rather impressive terrace beyond the doors.”
If her heart beat any faster, it would jump out of her chest. “But the rain…”
“If I haven’t missed my guess, it appears the precipitation has stopped.” The slow grin that curved his lips sent a spiral of need through her insides. “Quite fortuitous, don’t you think?”
“Yes.” Was that an answer to his question or the offer of a dance?
He offered a gloved hand. “Shall we? I’d like to make haste lest other couples have the same idea.”
“I can’t think of a single reason why we shouldn’t.” Jane slipped her fingers into his palm, and when he closed his around hers, a sigh shuddered from her. This man was her future, she’d swear to it. “I’m glad you came tonight,” she said in a choked whisper, for being with him was overwhelming now that she’d finally come to a decision.
“So am I, if only to see you again.” He slowly wheeled himself around the sides of the room toward the open terrace doors. “I’ve thought of nothing else since I saw you last.”
“Neither have I.” Docilely, she walked beside him. Peace enveloped her to further confirm that choosing Finn was exactly what she’d always needed to do. But would he agree and make an offer?
At the doors, he paused and gestured her ahead. “After you, my lady.”
Heat crept into her cheeks as she passed him and went outside. Shadows crept through most of the area. Buttery soft illumination from the room barely reached beyond the doors. The rain had slackened to a barely there mist, and she was grateful for the trace of moisture that cooled her warm skin. She hadn’t yet gained the middle of the smooth flagstones before he came to a stop.
“The musicians are beginning the waltz.” His baritone sent a thrill though her belly, and when she turned to face him, he patted his lap. “Shall we begin?”
The remainder of her confusion fell away, disappeared into the air as she nodded. “I cannot wait.”
Was there any wonder she loved him to distraction?