Jane patted escaped tendrils of her hair back into place. Drat, she’d misplaced her bonnet at the clinic. “Do you attend Lord Danbury’s musicale evening in two nights? I’m going.” She quickly moved to the opposite bench.

Heat and stark need clouded his eyes, the same feelings coursing through her veins. “I suppose I could be persuaded to locate my invitation. Why?”

She swallowed to encourage moisture into her suddenly dry throat. “I’d like to perhaps find a bit of scandal.”

“With me?”

Any second the driver would open the carriage door. “Oh yes.” She smiled as he fixed his loose cravat.

“Even though I’m not a man as able-bodied as the duke?”

Warmth touched her cheeks. “Yes.” She nodded, for emphasis. “I like you, Finn. Sometimes a woman knows what—who—she wants.” Would he know what she didn’t say?

He cleared his throat as his eyes darkened. “Then let us pray we’re afforded time alone when the event arrives.”

“We’ll make certain of it,” she said in a low voice as the door swung open and the driver offered her a hand.

As she stepped to the curb in front of her townhouse, she thought she heard Finn whisper, “Bloody hell, I think I’m in trouble.”

Oh yes you are, Major. And I intend to show you that you are still very much worthy of… everything.

What she’d do if that didn’t happen, she didn’t know. That was a worry for another day.