Chapter Twenty-One

Drew trailed his fingertips up and down the backs of Sarah’s legs. As gooseflesh popped on her skin, he grinned. Oh, they would have such fun together. While kneeling, he busied himself by kissing and licking a path around her naval. The adorable divot captured his attention for a few seconds. All the while, he continued to caress her silky legs. A tiny moan escaped her, and he slid his hands upward to cup the soft globes of her buttocks.

How had he ever thought her plain? He kissed her mons, dared to delve his tongue through the blonde curls between her thighs, and as he urged her legs apart, he spent the next few minutes coaxing that all-important little pearl out from hiding. At her surprised inhalation of breath, he pressed her lower half closer and buried his face in the heaven that was his wife.

With every sweep and pass of his tongue to that nubbin, his shaft hardened. As he teased the button, and tiny cries were pulled from her throat, he explored further, intent to bring her to swift release before he did anything else. He drew his hands up and down her legs, both the inside and outside, until she trembled where she stood, and still he worked that nubbin for all he was worth. It swelled from his attentions, and he increased his friction: sucking, nipping, flicking, and then soothing with his tongue.

A low keening cry issued from Sarah. Her legs shook. The hand she’d rested on his shoulder clenched, her nails digging into his dressing gown. With a smug masculine chuckle, he surged to his feet and caught her into his arms as her knees buckled. “Merciful heavens, that was quite intense. I had no idea one could… oh, my.”

Yes, setting her at sixes and sevens was by far one of his most favorite games. “I’m not nearly done with you tonight, darling.” Once he’d laid her on the bed, he shed his dressing gown and joined her, reclining on his side. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Immensely.” Her eyes were wide and dark behind her spectacle lenses. She raked her gaze along his body, and he swore he felt her regard as if she’d touched him. “The first two times we came together, you were in various stages of undress.” Slowly, with a timidity he found endearing, she pressed a hand to his chest. “I’ve never had cause to blatantly inspect your naked form.”

“Ah.” Wanting very much to please her, Drew flopped onto his back and tucked his arms beneath his head. “Explore at will, love.” He probably wouldn’t last long once she laid hands on him, for even now his length had tightened to near pain.

“How scandalous.” She blinked at him.

“I don’t see how. We’re married.” How could she sport such a blush when they’d been together carnally twice now?

“Newly married at that, given the issues surrounding our union.” She kneeled at his side. When she trailed the fingers of one hand down his chest, raking through the mat of hair, he hissed in a breath. “I’ve not seen a naked man apart from Greek statues in the London Museum.” The other hand sailed over his abdomen, untying the sash of his dressing gown, and then went lower until she brushed his erection.

“Oh, God.” There was no hope that he could make this last for hours as was his want. Every touch, each trip of her fingers, all the tiny caresses she gave him pushed him closer to the brink. She was all too beguiling and intriguing, and as she’d said, their marriage was too new; he needed to bed her a handful of times before he’d have enough of her that he could finally make love slowly. “Careful, Sarah. I’m primed enough.”

“Poor thing. I guess it’s your turn to suffer exquisite torture then, hmm?” With a smile that promised him wicked delights—or a swift death—his wife circled his shaft over and over. Her palm barely brushed the sensitized flesh, but each time she touched him, his need for her increased and his stones tingled from pent-up desire.

Then she wrapped her fingers around him while watching his face. Drew held his breath. When that didn’t stave off the acute sensations racing through him, he attempted to wriggle into a sitting position, but she pushed him back down with a palm on his chest.

“Perhaps it’s time for you to learn patience.” As she stroked her curled fingers up and down his impossibly hard length, he lost his focus and well as part of his rational mind. “It’s so satiny and thick.” She turned her head, watching as she moved her hand. A pink blush infused her cheeks. “Turnabout is only fair, don’t you think, Lord Hadleigh?”

Oh, dear God in heaven.He gasped as she lowered her head and tentatively touched the tip of her tongue to the head of his member. The waterfall of her hair rasped over his chest to cultivate exquisite eddies of need and fire through his blood. Never had he been subjected to anything as exquisite as that. “Sarah, please stop, else I’ll embarrass myself.”

But when had his damned wife ever listened to him? With a laugh that he felt all the way into his stones, she took part of his length into the hot cavern of her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. When she came off him, she giggled. “This is quite… interesting.”

He couldn’t stand it any longer. Tugging on her arm, he urged her off his prick. “There is plenty of time for you to experiment and master that particular pleasure.” With that small amount of breathing room, he pulled her over his body until she straddled his waist. “I need you, Sarah.” The words came out more breathless than he’d intended, and for the first time in a long while it wasn’t due to anxiety. It was with him in the background, but he refused to give it power. This trouble breathing had everything to do with wanting his wife, his beautiful, intelligent, strong-willed wife, the woman who potentially carried his child.

Perhaps his heir.

“There’s nothing stopping you from taking what you want.” The dulcet sound of her voice washed over him in a soothing wave, but it was the twinkle in her dark eyes that sent longing coursing through him.

“Minx.” Drew coaxed her down so he could kiss her lips. “I don’t want to take anything. Not anymore. I’d rather share with you.” When she wriggled her bottom, the sensations against his straining member nearly undid him. “Ride me.” The command taxed the last of his control.

“Oh.” The look of concentration on her face was adorable, and he couldn’t wait to teach her everything he knew regarding delights found in the bedroom. “I don’t think…” She lifted onto her knees, and once more her fingers were on his length, guiding him to where she needed him. “I’m afraid I won’t be very good at this.”

“It doesn’t matter.” He gripped her hips, showing her. “Push down when I thrust upward, and… Christ!” She’d done what he asked. White stars erupted behind his eyelids while intense sensation raced through his length.

“Oh!” Sarah dug her fingers into the skin of his chest and abdomen. Each little touch hurtled him closer to breaking. The emeralds around her neck winked in the candlelight. Was there anything more erotic than making love with a woman who wore nothing but gemstones? “This is… well awkward, but somewhat… nice.” When she moved, bouncing up and down without finesse, his eyes crossed. “This feels incredible, and I… oh!” Her eyes briefly rolled back in her head behind her tilted spectacles. Pleasure lined her expression.

And damn if it wasn’t the most sensual sight.

If she weren’t careful, he’d spend before he was ready, for her inexperience was more arousing than a skilled courtesan. “Perhaps this is too advanced just now.” He held her as his body tensed. Seconds later he flipped them both over and covered her body with his. His dressing gown slipped off his body. “Let me love you properly, as I should have done all along.”

She cupped his cheek with one hand. “I won’t say no.”

A shuddering breath escaped him as some of the pressure eased. For long moments, he kissed and licked seemingly every inch of her soft, clover-and-violet scented skin. With tongue and teeth, he brought her, shaking, to the edge of release as he tormented her nipples and teased his fingers between her thighs. She retaliated, though, by trailing a hand down his back. She squeezed an arse cheek, and he had to bear down to stop the inevitable. How was it that a few touches from her had him needing to prematurely shoot his wad like a green schoolboy?

Perhaps this act was more powerful when the right emotions were behind it.

Drew settled himself comfortably between her bent, raised knees, and with one flex of his hips, he penetrated her as deep as he could go. Her honeyed heat surrounded him, pulled at him, and he sighed. “I adore how you feel.”