“Thank you.” She looped the handle over her arm. The nicety sounded pulled from her, and grudgingly at that. Without looking at him, she limped from the depression to stand near Ares. As she stretched out a hand, the horse put his nose to her fingers.

Interesting.She couldn’t be all harridan if the horse liked her. “Shall we continue then?” Daring much, Drew put his hands on either side of her waist. He more or less tossed her onto the horse’s back, and since it wasn’t a lady’s sidesaddle, she was forced to scramble into place and let her legs dangle over one side, her skirts hopelessly tangled.

Her squeal of surprise or outrage caught his imagination as much as the stockings had. What sort of woman was she behind the penchant for plain speaking? For that matter, who the devil was she? “I… you could have given me a warning.” She fussed with the bonnet, and once it was properly on her head, he gave into a sigh of relief.

Perhaps now that she was properly covered, she wouldn’t stir such naughty thoughts for something he didn’t need. “Yes, I could have, but I didn’t.” He mounted the horse and settled behind her, obliged to slide his arms around her to reach for the dangling reins. “Pardon the trespass,” he said with what he thought was indeed a cheeky grin as his chest rubbed against her shoulder.

A squawk of outrage escaped her. “This is hardly proper, my lord,” she gasped out but didn’t turn her head to look at him.

“Then you can hobble.” She was a rather pleasing bundle. A faint hint of violets and clover teased his nose as he slapped the reins.

“Fine.” When he set them into motion, her precarious position demanded she secure her seat, and when she clutched at his shoulders, the action put her more firmly into his hold. “I appreciate this.” Once again, her tones had returned to their dulcet pitch, and he rather like that too.

“You’re welcome. Where are you headed?”

“Baronet Gearwell’s home. Two miles west of here.”

His interest in her rose. How was she connected to the man? Not wishing to take her there and become embroiled in a thousand questions or be accused of compromising this woman, he guided Ares up the lane that led to Hadleigh Hall. “I’m not of a mind to meet the baronet today.”

“Where are you taking me?” Fear quavered in her voice, but he couldn’t see her face thanks to the brim of the damned bonnet.

Why was she afraid? Had rumors of his temperament already reached the country? Annoyance swelled his chest. “To Hadleigh Hall.”

She straightened her spine, and the back of the headgear smashed into his chin. “But—”

“I won’t have you talking in the village that I left you injured and without recourse on the roadside.”

A snort escaped her. “I hardly gossip, in the village or otherwise.” Then she glanced up into his face. “You have no right!” Righteous indignation rang in her voice, and he couldn’t help his grin.

Damn, but he rather liked it when she was in a temper more than when she wasn’t. “I have every right. I’m the earl, remember.”

“Arrogant prick,” she mumbled beneath her breath. Her body was stiff with outrage. With a huff, she turned her head to stare at the road.

Bloody hell.Tension fairly crackled between them. He felt more alive in her company than he ever had before. Why the devil was that?

The remainder of the trip was conducted in silence, but Drew didn’t mind. With every movement of the horse, her hip rubbed against his length. That combined with her warm body between his arms, his right sleeve brushing her breasts had his imagination inventing countless scenarios in his mind. Would she employ such fervor in the bedroom? By the time they arrived at the hall, he was well on his way to having a raging cockstand from the unaccustomed friction and thoughts.

Of course, she protested when he assisted her from Ares’ back and carried her into the house. The butler followed, aghast, behind him until he reached the drawing room.

“Jeffries, go to the kitchens and procure a cold compress and perhaps tea for the lady.” He had no idea what her name was, but the butler appeared nonplussed. “There has been a bit of an accident on the road.”

“Right away, my lord.” With a curious glance at the willful bundle in Drew’s arms, the older man departed the room.

“For God’s sake, put me down,” she demanded, as imperious as a queen, her brown eyes snapping with annoyance. “I’m not an invalid.”

“Best we make certain, so you don’t attempt to trap me or cry foul.” The fact of the matter was, no matter how he felt in her presence, he didn’t trust anyone, especially while he was an eligible, unmarried, and titled peer. The reality of the situation returned and brought renewed anger with it. Was she one of those women who’d angle to get at his title?

She snorted as he dumped her unceremoniously on a low sofa. “I have more integrity than that.”

“We shall see.” Drew kneeled on the floor at her feet and made quick work of removing his gloves. Once he’d tossed them in a negligent wad on the sofa beside her, he dared much as he took her left foot into his hands and began the task of unlacing the half-boot. “What is your name?”

“Miss Copeland.” She clutched the handle of her basket so tight he feared it might snap. What was she afraid he’d do to her?

Which brought his thoughts back around to her situation. She almost acted like an untried virgin, but she was well past the first and second blooms of youth. “What are you to the baronet?” Once the boot loosened, he slipped it from her foot, where it fell to the Aubusson carpet with a muffled thud. He didn’t much care about her answer, not now when her stocking-clad calf and foot were warm in his hands.

“Governess to his children.” Trembles that affected her limb transferred to him. Did his touch do that or was she merely frightened and nervous from recent events? “Also, he is my great uncle.”

“I see.” The slender ankle wasn’t swollen, so she must have merely landed wrong upon it. After a cursory examination, he couldn’t stop caressing the area. Her foot, not overly large or excessively petite, was quite average, but when he gently rubbed the appendage under cover of seeking knotted muscles, a stifled moan escaped her. The sound sent awareness skittering over his skin. Intriguing. “How long have you lived there?”