At the window, Sarah rolled her eyes. She hoped the earl was intelligent enough to see through their false concern. On the other hand, she didn’t wish him to fly into a temper because of them.

“Well, Miss Copeland is in my care now. She’ll want for nothing and shall be treated with the respect she deserves.” A warning growled in his tone. “I’m sure her time will be spoken for, so please do make an appointment should you plan to call.”

“We will indeed.” Her great uncle nodded as if he were a puppet on a string. “My wife and I intend to throw a rout next month to celebrate your marriage, if it pleases you.”

With slightly narrowed eyes, Andrew nodded. “You’d do well to make certain it pleases my new countess, but keep me informed, Sir Gearwell.” Then he turned and locked eyes with her and a grin slowly curved his sensual lips.

Oh, dear heavens.Butterflies began a ballet, causing a riot with her insides. He is rather potent. And he’d stood up for her against the two of them. That earned him more respect.

As the various people in the room talked in low voices, the earl came toward her, never breaking eye contact. Almost as if he were a large jungle cat stalking his prey.

Me.Another tremble went down her spine, but this one also tickled through her lower belly, for tonight she would know him far more personally…

When he reached her, his grin merely widened. An answering wicked glint lit his blue-gray eyes. “I knew you’d look lovely in emerald. You should always wear bold colors. They suit you.”

“I appreciate that.” Heat infused her cheeks from his unexpected praise. “And thank you once more for the gown. It’s stunning.”

He nodded. “Have you changed your mind? If so, I’m sure your great uncle would be thrilled to have you back to work.”

A wild near-hysterical giggle erupted from her. “I think I’ll take my chances with you.” It didn’t matter that she’d wished to tease him, for the spell of anticipation had broken.

“I’d like to hope you view me in a better light than him.” A trace of annoyance flickered in his expression to chase away the good humor he’d entered the room with, but it was gone by his next breath. “I assume you have met the vicar?”

“Yes. On the few occasions I’ve attended church.”

“Then let me introduce you to some key members of my staff—your staff now. Though I suspect you’ve met some already out of necessity.”

“I have,” she whispered. Her stomach bottomed out. This was all too real. In an hour, her life would shift, and she’d begin anew as a countess.

Before Andrew could guide her over to the butler, Vicar Baring came up to them. He was a man of indeterminate years with hair the color of mud and a rather unfortunate long nose.

“It’s an honor to be here, Lord Hadleigh.” His long fingers tightened over a battered copy of the Book of Common Prayer. “However, I’ve been invited to luncheon at a home in the next village over, so I’d like to have this underway and soon.”

Which meant the home to which he’d been asked featured a young lady who was looking for a husband. She must be quite something if the vicar flirted with upsetting the earl, who no doubt provided said vicar’s living.

“Very well. No ill-will taken.” Andrew nodded as the vicar moved toward the center of the room. He fit his lips to the shell of her ear and whispered, “Introductions will need to wait.” The warmth of his breath skated over her cheek.

A shiver of something danced down her spine. “It matters not. I’ll see to them later this afternoon.” Sarah looked up at him while he pulled away and gave him what she hoped was an encouraging smile.

Let something good come from this union.

“Spoken like a countess. Come. We mustn’t keep the vicar waiting.”

In a daze, she followed him to the middle of the room where she was instructed to stand by Andrew’s side. The earl gave him a small leather purse that jangled with coins, payment, no doubt for services rendered. The vicar tucked it away and then rifled through his book.

“Shall we begin?”

“I see no reason not to.” Andrew frowned. “Best have it done, don’t you think?”

Sarah’s stomach muscles knotted. Of course, to him this was merely another task associated with doing his duty to the title, while to her… it was life changing.

“Excellent.” Vicar Baring nodded. He glanced at the handful of witnesses. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God in the time of man’s innocency, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church…”

Oh, my goodness.If Sarah’s heart beat any faster, she’d surely expire on the spot to what the minister said as he addressed the earl. If she took Andrew’s arm, would he lash out? Knowing his touch now when her mind spun with everything she would promise this day would be appreciated, but he didn’t move. Instead, he kept his hands clasped behind him, staring at the vicar with a bland expression.

Vicar Baring addressed Andrew. “Wilt thou have this Woman to thy wedded Wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?”

Sarah couldn’t stop the tremble that moved through her. Did he understand the severity of those words and the responsibility created therein? What sort of husband would he be?