She blew out a frustrated breath. And this was exactly why she always wished to remain in control, for when she was with him in a physical way, she had no doubts. “Do you truly think I’ll be able to fly about Cranleigh without issue?”

“I do.” Benedict tugged off his gloves. He then stuffed them into an interior pocket of his jacket. “But I must tell you the risks. I’d hate myself if I didn’t.”

Not this again. “I already know them.”

“Yes, but it will help me rest easier once I say this.” He took one of her hands, and then slowly, kissing the flesh of her arm as he went, he peeled off her elbow-length glove.

“Then go ahead.” She could hardly force the words out from her tight throat. How could he treat her to something so erotic while still wishing to lecture her?

“I’ve run the figures a hundred different ways, and still I’m coming up with more reasons this flight might end in disaster.” He dropped her glove to the floor. “I don’t want to see you hurt… or worse.”

“Neither do I.” A tremble of need moved up her spine when he gave her other arm the same attention. “Perhaps you should try to live in the present for a bit, Benedict.” Oh, good Lord, if he doesn’t stop that I’m going to go out of my mind! While he continued to kiss a path down her arm, she said, “Don’t worry about what comes next or what the future holds. Allow yourself to ignore the risk and merely enjoy what’s happening without an analysis.”

“I can’t do that.” He let her other glove drop to join the first. “If I could bundle you up and take you away from here to protect you from potential harm and hurt, I would.”

“But then I’d never accomplish anything, and you’d eventually hate yourself for dampening my spirit.” It was one of her fears. “I’m not a fragile doll to put on a shelf and leave for aesthetics.”

“Yet you’d be safe.” He traced his fingers down the side of her face. “However, as much as I want to keep you from harm, I want to see you soar more. I want to know that you’ve succeeded and put your doubts, mine—everyone’s—to rest and gain the respect you deserve.”

Her heart fluttered. “Indeed, life might surprise you, and I hope it does, because I want it to surprise me too.” Did he mean she might consider an engagement with him? She couldn’t say.

“I have a feeling this flight will become a jumping off point for you.” Benedict slid his fingers into her upswept hair. “Despite the fear for your safety that’s trying to crush me, the wondering what will happen after tonight, I wish you the best of luck, but I know you won’t need it. You’re a natural at setting the world on its head.”

Another piece of her heart was lost to him. Anne tugged on his cravat as tears gathered in her eyes. “Thank you for believing in me,” she said from around the ball of emotion in her throat.

“Always.” Then he crushed his lips to hers, and so much feeling lay behind the kiss that need and something strong shivered down her spine. And he didn’t stop kissing her until her knees wobbled and she clung to his lapels. With a growl mixed with a laugh of amusement, he walked her backward. Eventually the wall halted further movement.

Anne stared up at him, nipped the underside of his jaw. “What now?”

“I’m giving you a gift that will bring you good luck.” Slowly, while watching her the whole time, he drew up handfuls of her skirting. “I hope you don’t mind if your gown is slightly wrinkled?”

She curled a hand about his nape while she manipulated the buttons of his frontfalls with the other. “Not if it means you’ll make me fly before I take my balloon up.” When his hardened length fell heavily into her palm, she stifled a sigh. Never would she have enough of him.

“Smart and highly intelligent. It’s a heady combination.” Benedict put a hand beneath one of her thighs and encouraged her leg upward. She hooked it about his hip, anchoring her heel into his backside. Her body was completely open to him, and the tip of his member glanced along her sensitive flesh. The knowledge of being trapped between the wall and his chest was exhilarating indeed. “And it—you—captivate me until I can hardly think.”

“Oh, Benedict.” Anne kissed him, reveling in the touch of his lips on hers. When he flexed his hips and buried himself as deep as he could go, she moaned in pure appreciation.

“It’s much like… magic,” he murmured and captured her lips once more as he rested his free hand on the wall near her head.

Then there was no more need for words. They communed by touch and the brush of lips. Sighs and sounds of enjoyment or pleasure punctuated the silence of the room. Her fingers dug into his shoulder as she yielded to the sensation created by each gentle and slow stroke he made. Over and over, he speared into her. She pulled him closer with pressure of her heel to the small of his back.

Magic, indeed. Her eyes shuddered closed, for she floated on a cloud of need. Then his rhythm changed as he snaked his hand to her waist, his fingers gripping her skin.

“No sultry commands or sensual daring tonight?” he murmured while putting baby fine kisses beneath her jawline.

“I wished for you to guide this coupling.” Already, terrible pressure built and stacked low in her belly. She’d break and soon, and he’d not touched the more responsive points on her person.

“Dangerous and considerate too.” His thrusts grew more frantic. “Look at me, Anne. I want to see the emotions in your eyes, see how I’m affecting you.”

She met his gaze. Those green eyes were so cool, so inviting, but they did nothing to dim her ardor… or the feelings which strengthened for him the longer she was in his company. “I think you already know that.”

“Sometimes, I’m out to sea with doubt, for you’re fiercely independent.”

“Does that intimidate you?”

“No, but it makes me sad, for I don’t want you to fly away without giving me the chance to at least try and come with you.” He peered into her eyes, searching for God only knew what, but in that one look, his soul was suddenly on display and vulnerable.

And she loved him for that honesty.