“Indeed.” Oliver nodded. “Because of this, I cannot apply for a special license outright. It’s my hope as well as Sophia’s that you might accompany me to London and lend your influence for a meeting.”

“As well as offer a donation to the church to… encourage the man’s decision if he proves difficult,” Sophia hastened to add. When her brother appeared skeptical, she rushed on. “You are an earl of some power. He should listen to you.”

“I could write to Lord Grantwood to hasten our cause, but that will take additional time,” Oliver said into the silence that had gathered in the room.

Arthur snorted. “So will removing to America,” he inserted in a droll tone.

She squeezed her fiancé’s fingers. “If it would help, I can write a letter explaining why I wish to marry Oliver so quickly. Surely knowing I’m facing imminent death might usher in a positive decision. Also, he is an ambassador. I’m certain his reputation needs no introduction.”

When Arthur kept his own counsel, the muscles in her stomach protested. She released Oliver’s hand and then closed the distance between her and her eldest brother. “I know you’re concerned. I know you have doubts. I do too.” As she laid a hand against his cheek, she caught sorrow and worry in his eyes. Oh, her death would hurt all the people she loved the most. It was too much to contemplate. She forced a swallow around the ball of tears in her throat. “I appreciate the urge to protect me, but Arthur, I need your help just now more than anything else. You can either be a part of this or you can prove an obstacle, but I must move forward. There is nowhere else to go and little time in which to accomplish it.”

“Have you ever known me to deny you anything?” He crumpled, let his vulnerability show for a tiny moment. “Of course, I’ll lend my assistance to you and the ambassador.” Over her shoulder, he nodded to Oliver. “We shall leave for London immediately following dinner if you are of a mind.”

“I am.”

Sophia nearly sagged with relief. She lifted up on her toes and bussed her brother’s cheek. “Thank you.”

“It’s the least I can do.” He held her gaze for long moments. “You’ll keep Julianna company while I’m gone?”

“Of course. We shall discuss gowns and such. After all, two weddings this month plus Mama’s masquerade require much work and planning.”

“Good.” He glanced at Gilbert. “Will you come with us?”

“I would rather stay, if you don’t mind.” A flush rose up his neck. “I’ll only be in the way, and besides, it will allow me extra time to spend with Sophia before… Well, you know.”

“I do, and I had the same thought more than once.” Arthur nodded and then looked at his son. “How about you, Charles? Are you up for a small adventure?”

“Absolutely!” He sprang to his feet. “For years this family has done nothing exciting, yet ever since you met Julianna, it’s been non-stop excitement. I wouldn’t miss it.”

Sophia smiled. “Let me dash off a quick letter while the rest of you enjoy dinner. If I finish, I’ll join you.” As soon as she said that, the butler rang a bell signaling dinner was served. She giggled. “I’d best hurry. Cook doesn’t like to hold back the meal.” As she left the room, she winked at Hannah.

Please, please, please let this be correct decision for everyone involved.