“Two of my favorite people,” she said as she joined them, trailing the faint scent of roses. “What were you discussing with such intensity?”

He and the earl exchanged a glance. “How fortunate we are to have both you and Julianna in our lives,” Oliver said smoothly as he took her hand and brought it to his lips. “And since the earl’s nuptial ceremony is in five days, it was only natural we discussed marriage.” Not that any of it was a lie per say, but she didn’t need to know the exact subject matter.

“Oh, I’m so glad you’re nearly wed, Arthur.” Sophia touched his arm. “You and Julianna will make a splendid couple, and she’ll do you proud as a countess.”

“I appreciate that.” Genuine affection lined his face. “It’s quite surreal yet.” He glanced across the room. “If you’ll excuse me, though? I promised I’d sit with Julianna’s father for a bit tonight before she takes him home.”

Oliver nodded. The care and concern the whole family showed toward each other as well as their extended relatives never failed to amaze. “Enjoy the remainder of your evening.” He squeezed Sophia’s fingers. “And now, it seems they are preparing for a waltz. If you will indulge me?”

“Of course.” She glanced between them with narrowed eyes behind her sparkling mask. “Why do I have the distinct feeling you are not telling me everything?”

“Such gammon, Sister.” The earl leaned in a bussed her cheek. “Enjoy yourself.”

Once he left, Oliver led her to an open spot on the dance floor. “It’s a pity the rain hasn’t let up. I’ll wager a moonlit walk in the gardens would have been just the thing to add to the success of the evening.”

She rested the fingers of her free hand on his shoulder. “Didn’t you promise to spirit me off somewhere else? That you said rain wouldn’t deter you?” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

“I did indeed, but first, I want this waltz with you. That is, if you are feeling well enough?” Always, her health came first.

“I am. Just slightly fatigued.”

“Good.” When the opening notes floated into the air, he set them off into the first steps. “Where is Hannah?”

“She went into the refreshment room. Who knows what trouble she’ll find after that, for she’ll probably avoid me to postpone my order for her to retire.”

“Let her enjoy this moment of her childhood.” When the steps of the dance took Sophia temporarily away from him, he watched her, and his heart brimmed with pride. As she returned to him, he grinned. “There is something delicious and naughty about dancing with a woman in disguise.”

Her laughter set fire to his blood. “Why, Ambassador, are you flirting with me?”

“Perhaps I am.” He dared to pull her closer. “Truth be known, though, I am tempted to spirit you into the first unused room we come to tonight and do unspeakable things to you.” As he’d talked to the earl, it had been pressed upon him that his time with Sophia was limited indeed. And if he were to lose her, he wanted her to know exactly how loved and adored she was; he hadn’t a lifetime for that.

“You have my attention.” Her eyes darkened, but before either of them could say more, the steps took her away from him.

Oliver’s length twitched to life as soon as she rejoined him. The warmth of her in his arms, the scent of her, the soft play of candlelight on her face, the sparkle of light on the beadwork of her gown worked to send him into a spiral of need that would only end with them both naked and satisfied.

He dared to put his lips to the shell of her ear and whispered, “I want you. Right now. In any way you’ll receive me.”

Twin spots of color blazed on Sophia’s cheeks. From the exertion of the dance or from his words, he couldn’t say. “How do you know that I won’t take advantage first?”

“Oh? Then you think to ambush me?”

“Not exactly, for I’d want your full cooperation.” Again, the steps took her from him, but her eyes never left his. When she returned, there was no mistaking the blatant need in those blue depths. “In fact, tonight since I’m feeling quite heated, I might take my time in working you over before we finally join.”

Oliver cleared his throat. His fingers tightened on her hip. “Meaning what?”

“Just this.” She dropped her voice so that he had to draw her closer still in order to hear. “I would order you stripped down for my inspection, but you should keep the domino mask on.”

Perhaps he didn’t despise the mask after all. “That is a good start.” The images her words conjured had desire rushing through his member and tingling at the base of his spine.

“Agreed. After that, I’d kneel before you, being certain to lick every centimeter of your erection.” Her words sailed out on a bare whisper, but there was no mistaking her meaning. “Then, I’d take you into my mouth, over and over and over again, encourage you to go so deep that when I swallow, the muscles in my throat would massage your tip.”

Oh, God.

“Impressive,” he managed to gasp out at the same moment that he missed a step. Then he was obliged to put his spectacles back into place.

Sophia chuckled. “Some say it’s not ladylike, or the act more suited for harlots, but there are moments when it gives me immense pleasure to do that.” For the last time, the dance took her away from him, but when she returned, he nearly begged her to continue the story. “And perhaps when you were almost on the edge of spending, I’d release you but make you watch as I pleasured my breasts with my fingers to further bring you to that precipice.”

It was more than he could bear just now. His engorged length pressed painfully against the front of his rather tight breeches, and he was forever glad he’d worn black over tan. “What do you intend after that?”

“When you simply cannot endure any more teasing, I’ll push you onto your back, straddle you, and then take your impressive equipage into my wet and very needy heat.” How she managed to make her voice sound like a smoky purr, he would never know, but he wanted to throw her over his shoulder. “I would work you over faster and faster, bobbing up and down harder and harder, impress upon you that you are mine as I claim you until we are both sweaty and lost to passion.”

A shudder lanced down his spine. “That sounds like just the thing to pass a rainy night.” Now he wanted her beyond measure. It didn’t matter the unmasking would occur in just over thirty minutes, he had to couple with his wife else he’d embarrass himself. Finally, the waltz came to an end, and he was forced to relinquish his grip on her but stood staring as if he were a green boy at university. “I can honestly say that was the most interesting waltz I’ve ever had.”

“Good.” Sophia smiled and her gaze dropped to his mouth. She made no move to leave the dance floor as couples flowed around them. “I am going abovestairs to our room, for I believe I’ve become overly taxed and need to take to my bed for a while.” A wink followed the obvious lie.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Do you wish for assistance up the stairs?” he asked, and if possible, his cockstand swelled further. “After all, I am a concerned husband.”

“That might be best.” She did a fair imitation of sagging and leaning into his side as he put an arm about her waist. “I might need some very specific attention.”

Truly, he was the most fortunate man alive. Perhaps there was something to this living as there were no tomorrow. And above everything, he loved his wife.