But Rad didn’t back down. He retaliated.

Rad wanted Hunt to pay for turning on him. He’d sworn Cyn would be his method of revenge against Hunt. Rad wanted her dead. Pure and simple.

“Cyn, baby, stop thinking whatever you’re thinking and be here with me right now.”

She shook off her dark thoughts and focused on Hunt. “I’m sorry. I’m here.”

He held her gaze for a moment, then released her to get a bottle for Lana.

Cyn sat next to her mom, who was rocking Lana, patting Lana’s back and cooing, “It’s coming, baby girl,” in a soft whisper.

“You’re good with her,” Cyn said.

“I’ve had some practice.” Her mom met her gaze. “I miss Angela, too. So much.” Tears welled in her already bloodshot eyes. “I wish I could make up for the past.”

Cyn wrapped her mom and Lana in a hug. “Shh. It’s okay. I know you did the best you could. I appreciate what you said about being proud of me. I needed to hear it, even though I know I’ve done well for myself. It means something to me that you see it, too. And I’m sorry I haven’t been myself today.”

“It’s okay. You had a long day. You’re going to have a lot of long nights with this one.” Her mom patted Lana again.

Cyn leaned back and looked at her fussing niece. “I’m okay with sleepless nights, so long as I get to spend them with her.”

“You and Angela were the best thing to ever happen tome. She’ll miss Angela, but it will be you she knows as her mother. You will be the best thing that ever happened toher. You’ll see.”

“Oh, Mom,” Cyn sighed, holding back tears.

Hunt held the bottle out to her mom.

“Um, I think this little one needs a new diaper.” Her mom, tears in her eyes, patted Lana’s little butt.

“I’m on it.” Hunt plucked Lana from her mother’s arms. “Back in a minute.”

They watched Hunt take Lana upstairs to change her in her nursery.

“He’s a good man, Cyn. They don’t come better than that. I know. I never had one like him.”

Cyn smiled at her mom. “He’s more than I ever thought possible. I love him. He loves me back. It’s newand it’s wonderful and I already know it’s forever. With all that’s going on, all that’s happened, he’s the only thing I’m sure about right now.”

“I don’t think I ever had that with someone. I mean, there was love, sure, but not like I see when he looks at you and you look at him. That’s rare, baby girl. That’s something you hold on to and fight for to the end. That kiss he laid on you... I don’t think a man has ever kissed me with that kind of reverence and love.” Her mom bumped shoulders with her. “And he changes dirty diapers. That’s gold, baby girl. Hold on to him.”

“Oh, I’m not letting him go.” She stared up at Hunt holding Lana protectively against his chest and kissing her on the head before he descended the stairs, his gaze immediately finding hers. The grin and satisfaction in his eyes told her how much he loved taking care of Lana and having them both here with him. “I’m going to keep you, Wilde man.”

The grin turned into a broad smile that turned her gloomy heart bright with joy. “Good, because I’m not letting you go without a fight.”

“There’s too much love for you two to have anything to fight about,” her mom said, taking Lana from Hunt, cradling her in her arms and putting the bottle into Lana’s greedy mouth.

Cyn watched her mom feed the baby for a moment and marveled at the peace and love and sheer happiness that came over her mother. She felt it, too, when she looked at the baby.

Lana would be the light that kept Angela’s memory alive for them.

Her mom looked over at her. “I made arrangementsthis morning for Angela. She’ll be cremated. I thought that maybe when this little one is older and understands that her mama is gone, we could scatter Angela’s ashes at an appropriate place and time. What do you think?”

She took Hunt’s hand as he sat beside her on the couch and answered her mom. “You and I can do something special when we get her ashes. Then we’ll do something with Lana later.”

A sense of peace washed over Cyn as she sat with Hunt, her mom and Lana as a beam of sunlight radiated across the room from the huge back windows.

She felt a soft brush on her shoulder, but quickly realized it wasn’t Hunt, and that it had been something else.

Angela’s spirit was watching over them now.