“Hunt, I’m going.”

He dropped the keys in her hand.

She stepped into him and kissed him like it might be the last time she ever did, then hugged him tight and whispered in his ear. “I will come back to you.”

He held on to her for another few seconds, then did the hardest thing he’d ever had to do and let her go, so she could walk into danger yet again.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Cyn pounded her fist on the metal door for the third time, wondering if the guy who called Lyric was really telling the truth and expected her to come or not. She was about to knock again when the door nearly hit her in the face.

A huge dark-haired man filled the entire doorframe and glared at her. “What the fuck do you want?” He rubbed his fingers over his scruffy jaw.

She immediately noticed the compass tattoo on the back of his hand and played her part in this game. “Rad sent me to pick up my niece.”

He gave her an almost imperceptible nod, then bellowed over his shoulder, “We got company.” He barely moved out of her way when he waved her to come in and whispered so low she barely heard him. “Stick to that story.”

She walked into a large square space with pool tables to the right and a bar with stools and a few tables on the left. Up ahead was a doorway, flanked on each side by pinball machines, that probably led to a storeroom or office.

The whole place smelled of cigarette smoke, pot, beer and sweat.

Her boots clicked on the cement floor as she moved into the room and closer to the six other men. She put a little shake in her hips and kept her shoulders back, breasts out. Three guys sat at the bar eyeing her. The other three sat at a table. The guy in the middle had a President patch on his leather vest with another wolf head over a skull and crossbones patch beneath it. That explained the many pictures and symbols of wolves around the space.

Beneath those patches, the name Lobo was stitched into the vest.

“You’re a little early to be looking for a good time,” Lobo said, doing the talking for all the others. “Who are you? And what are you doing here?”

“I’m Cyn,” she purred, getting the attention of all the men in the room. She knew how to use sex appeal to get a man’s attention and make her seem less like a threat and more a conquest.

The president leaned forward and braced his tattooed arms on the table. “Sin is what we do best.”

She sauntered to the table, a sultry smile on her lips, planted her hands and leaned down, giving him a close-up view of her tits. “I bet you do. But I’m not here for a good time. I just want what I came for and I’ll be on my way.”

Lobo leaned back in his chair, grabbed his junk, adjusted his hard-on and smiled at her. “What is it that you came for?”

“She’ll be coming for you soon,” one of the guys at the bar said, making the others laugh.

She could feel Viper close behind her and took comfort in the fact he had her back. At least she hoped so.

Cyn kept her gaze steady on the man with all the power here, licked her lips, watched him adjust himself again and smiled. “I came to pick up my niece, Lana.”

Everything changed in an instant. The room went deathly quiet. The president’s lascivious gaze turned cold and menacing. “Search her,” he ordered Viper.

The big man closed the distance behind her. She stayed perfectly still when he took her by the shoulders, pulled her up to standing straight in front of him, then took her hands and raised them over her head.

“Keep them up,” he said for all to hear, but then he put his face in her hair and in that barely-there whisper said, “Sorry about this.” His fingers raked through her hair, tousling her waves even more, then his hands skimmed down the sides of her breasts, over her belly, up over her breasts again, then down over her hips, one hand gliding between her legs so he could slide both hands down her thigh and leg and back up again before he did the same to the other.

She didn’t show any sign that he’d hurt the cuts on her shin when he ran his hands over them.

“She’s clean.”

Cyn hated every second of that, but knew Viper only did it to put on the show the others expected. And so he could say she wasn’t wired.

“Why would you think your niece is here?” Lobo asked, eyeing her.

She kept her answer short. “Rad sent me to pick her up.”

The president studied her. “Word is he killed your sister.”