“Because they make me feel funny and I thought the ibuprofen would be enough. I...” She pressed her fingers to her ears and rubbed them, then looked up at Hunt.

He was saying something to her but she couldn’t hear him.

He must have seen the panic come over her again because he mouthed,Can you hear me?

She frantically shook her head.

The receptionist stood and called out to someone. Then it was chaos for a moment when two nurses rushed to her side, helped her into a wheelchair and then pushed her down the hallway. She turned and reached for Hunt, but one of the nurses held him back, saying something to him to make him stay. He did not look happy about it.

She could only hope they were taking her for some tests and he’d be allowed to be with her again because she did not want to be alone. She needed him.

But a devastating thought creeped into her mind. What if something was terribly wrong and she didn’t see him ever again? What if she never discovered what happened to her sister and niece?

Chapter Eighteen

Hunt sat in the waiting room, his patience wearing thin. He wanted to tear down the walls to get to Cyn, but they’d taken her away, fearing she might be having some kind of stroke or something. He had no idea what happened to her after he was forced to let her go and could only hope that she wasn’t scared out of her mind and wanting him beside her. Because he couldn’t stand being separated from her like this again.

His father had called, along with both his brothers and Shelby. He told them exactly what he knew. Nothing.

He should call her mom. But what could he tell her? What could she do? Sit here and go out of her mind with worry, too? She had enough to deal with, with Angela and Lana missing.

A nurse walked into the room. “Officer Wilde. She’s asking for you. If you’ll follow me.”

“Is she okay?”

“She’s resting in a room. The cardiologist will be in to see her shortly.”

“Is there something wrong with her heart? I thought it was her head.”

“The doctor will fill you and Cyn in as soon as he arrives. I’m sorry, but that’s all I can say.”

He knew the privacy rules all too well. He’d only been told about Cyn’s condition last time because she gave permission. “Can you at least tell me if she got her hearing back?”

“Oh, yes. That came back during the MRI scan, though I think she got a bit scared when she all of a sudden heard the loud knocking noise it makes.”

Okay. They’d done an MRI. That should give them some idea about what was happening to her.

“Here we are.” The nurse opened the door to Cyn’s room. “Don’t get up,” the nurse warned her.

She was lying in the bed, the lights in the room turned low, an IV line in her arm.

“Why the IV?” he asked the nurse.

Cyn answered. “I was dehydrated, even though I drank a lot of water today.”

“The doctor will be here in a few minutes. I saw him down the hall.” The nurse left him alone with Cyn.

He took the seat beside her and held her hand. “Can you see me?”

She smiled. “You are a sight for sore eyes. They took me away and I couldn’t hear what they were saying around me. It was really scary.”

He could tell by the death grip she had on his hand. “Do you know anything?”

“You’re gorgeous and sweet and I’m so glad you’re here.”

He tried for a smile but it didn’t come because he was too upset and concerned about her. “Cyn.”

“They did a CT scan and an MRI, took some blood and gave me a thorough once-over from head to toe.” She tugged on the hospital gown she now wore. “As far as I could tell, the cuts on my leg, head and neck don’t show any signs of infection and are healing well. When I was able to hear, I answered all their questions, including doing simple math.”