He reminded himself that the stressful day brought only good news. She was okay. Some minor side effectsof the hypothermia that the doctor assured them would clear up over the next couple days as her brain and organs recovered from the shock and cold. Her heart was fine. Her blood work came back normal. Her blood pressure was a little high, but that was understandable given all she’d been through.

But he couldn’t get Rad’s warning and threat out of his head.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. It’s been a long couple of days and I guess it all kind of hit me that you’re okay now, but it could have been so much worse.”

She leaned across the seat. “I appreciate that you’re worried about me. But you need to tell me what’s really wrong with you. Because there’s something. And if it’s not about bringing me to your house when we’ve barely started this thing between us—”

He kissed her to stop her from saying anything more about him not wanting her here. He kept the kiss soft and tempting and promising so much more to come. He brushed his lips across her cheek and whispered in her ear. “I brought you here because it’s where I want you.” He drew away a few inches so she could look in his eyes and see the truth. “I just want you, Cyn.”

“I’m here with you, exactly where I want to be.”

He brushed the back of his fingers over her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I don’t want anything else to happen to you.”

“I promise not to jump into the river again.”

“Except if it’s for your sister or niece, right?”

“You already know me so well.”

“I’ve been paying attention,” he admitted, letting her know again that things between them may have startedoff with him laying down the law when she broke it, but he’d always been intrigued and drawn to her.

And because he was really starting to understand what drove her, he knew she’d jump into the fire for the people she cared about. Which meant she’d put herself in danger and not think of the consequences if it meant saving her sister and niece.

“Will you promise me something?”

“I won’t take my clothes off in front of your brothers anymore. Probably,” she added, teasing.

“That’s a start. But this is important.”

“My being naked in front of your brothers isn’t important to you?” The teasing grin didn’t distract him from getting her to promise what he wanted.

“I’d really prefer the only one you get naked with from now on is me.”

“Do I get to see you naked? Because it seems wholly unfair that you’ve gotten an eyeful of me and I got nothing.”

“Cyn, I’ll strip bare if you promise me this one thing.”

Cyn relented, dropped the teasing grin and looked him in the eye. “Just ask, Hunt. The last thing I want to do is upset you.”

“I know I can’t stop you from doing anything and everything possible to find your family, but will you please promise me that if you chase after anything that you think will lead to Angela and Lana, you will let me know so that I can, if not talk you out of it, at least chase you down and be sure you have backup?”

She tilted her head and studied him for a moment. “Do you think I’m reckless? Or is there something you’re not telling me?”

“Not reckless. Driven. And willing to put yourself at risk for others. And yes, there’s something else.” He needed to tell her about the threat so she’d be careful and look out for herself when he couldn’t be with her.

She put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “What is it?”


“He’s an asshole and quite possibly a murderer. Believe me, I won’t underestimate him.”

“He called me last night.” He traced his finger along the side of her face. She leaned into his touch, making him want to kiss her again, hold her close and keep her safe. “He threatened me with harming you.”

She gasped. “What did he say exactly?”

“That I ruined his life and he’d pay me back for going after him by going after you, basically.”

“The fucking coward. You’re too hard a target, so he comes after me because... what? Not because I’ve pestered him about my sister, but because he thinks I’m important to you?”