He nodded and pressed the back of Cyn’s hand to his cheek. “It is now.”

“We’re going home. Do you want us to bring you anything in the morning?”

“I’ve got everything I need right here.” He stared at Cyn, then turned back to Shelby. “Thanks for being here with me.”

“She’s my best friend. And I love you.”

“Love you, too, sis.”

Shelby smiled, understanding he really did feel like they were family, then backed out of the room, letting the door close softly.

The quiet settled around him. He found comfort in holding Cyn’s hand and knowing she was going to be all right.

But the peace and quiet he wanted for her broke into chaos the moment her mother rushed through the door. The scent of cigarette smoke and Cyn’s stepfather following her in. “Oh, my baby!” She flung herself toward Cyn’s chest to hold her, but Hunt was quick enough to slip his arm between them and hold her off.

Cyn’s mom pressed her hands on the bed and glared at him. “This is my daughter.”

“I don’t care. She’s hurt. You have no idea how bad and you were just going to touch her without any consideration for her injuries.”

“The doctor said she’s fine.”

“She will be, but—”

“Hunt. I’ve got this,” Cyn rasped out, her voice thick with sleep.

“Are you warm enough? Do you need some more pain meds? The nurse is supposed to be here in”—he glanced at the whiteboard where the nurse had written the schedule—“twenty minutes.”

“I can wait.”

“Why ishehere?” Cyn’s mom asked.

“Because I want him here,” Cyn snapped at her mom.

“But you don’t want me?”

“I didn’t say that.” Cyn rolled her eyes, then squeezed them shut because the movement didn’t agree with her concussion. Her blood pressure rising with her mom’s appearance probably didn’t help either.

Hunt studied her. “Sweetheart, you need to stay calm and get some rest.”

“You don’t get to tell her what to do.” Cyn’s mom folded her thin arms over her chest.

“Mom, give him a break. He saved my life. He’s just looking out for me.”

“Well, it was a stupid thing you did going into that water.”

“You wanted me to find Angela and Lana.”

“I want you to kill that asshole who hurt them. Did you do that yet?”

Cyn sighed. “Mom, you can plainly see the badge on Hunt’s waist. Putting out a hit on someone is against the law, so you might want to shut up.”

“Well, you didn’t find them, so now what?” she asked him.

“Mrs....” He didn’t know her last name because he knew she’d married twice after Cyn’s dad left them.

“Terri. Just Terri, since you’re sleeping with my daughter.”

“God, Mom, just stop talking already.”