God save her from people who blamed everyone but the person responsible. She wanted to let all the pent-up angry words in her head out.

But now wasn’t the time to explode with all the blame she’d like to heap on her mom.

Cyn squatted and put a hand on her mom’s bony knee. “The police have filed a missing person report on both Angela and Lana. The police have figured out where Angela’s cell phone was last sending a signal, but it’s a big area. They’re beginning the search today. I’ll be there. I have a friend in the police department. He’ll keep me up-to-date on what they’re doing and what they find.”

Her mom gripped Cyn’s arm so tightly her knuckles went white. “You need to find them. And then you need to make him pay.” The vehemence in her mother’s voiceand the fury in her eyes matched the ferocity of the rage inside Cyn.

“I will.” She stood and looked down at her mom and Ed. “I’ll be in touch.” She headed for the door.

“You get him, Cyn,” her mother shouted. “You make him pay!” Her anguished sobbing followed Cyn out the door.

She climbed into her car and sat in the quiet for a moment, then let loose with her rage and screamed and hit the steering wheel, kicking the floorboard as the tears fell and the overwhelming rush of emptiness and grief hit her again.

The phone in the dash holder dinged with an incoming text. She sucked in a breath, wiped away her tears with her fingers, then picked up the phone and sighed that she’d missed a bunch of texts.

Grief gave way to hope that her sister and niece had been found.

She tapped the screen and pulled up Hunt’s texts first.

HUNT:Thank you for breakfast. I loved it and spending time with you.

She didn’t think she had a smile in her, but she found one for that sweet message.

HUNT:Nothing new in case. Sorry?

HUNT:Search teams are gathering.

HUNT:Meet me here.

The next text was a map location with a pin in it. She knew exactly where to go.

HUNT:We’ll find them.

She appreciated his optimism and commitment. She didn’t know Hunt well, but it occurred to her she wouldn’t want anyone else by her side for this. He had a tenacity and drive she admired. And through Shelby’s eyes and stories, she’d learned he had a deep love of his family, doing what was right and protecting those he loved. That protective streak extended to his community. He might be the most honorable man she’d ever met.

It made her wonder what he saw in her, because she tended to shirk the law when it suited her. She thought of what he’d said to her this morning. She was a handful, but he liked it because she cared about people and wasn’t out to hurt anyone.

They had those kinds of core values in common.

She needed to stop thinking about him and get moving, but first she pulled up the other texts from her best friend.

SHELBY:Are you okay?

SHELBY:Heard about your sister. I’m so sorry. I’m here to help with whatever you need.


Cyn wiped away the tears that slipped down her cheeks, then texted Shelby back.

CYN:I’m not okay but I’m holding on to hope.

CYN:We’ll talk soon.

CYN:And I definitely need a hug.♥♥♥

Her phone chimed with an incoming text, but it wasn’t from Shelby.

HUNT:How did it go with your mom?