“I’m sure Max would love to help you. Is there something that needs to be fixed at the house?”

“No. The house is perfect. Everything I wanted in a new place. But it’s not Max I need to talk to, it’s Hunt.”

“Oh. Um. I thought maybe you didn’t like him. Is everything okay?”

She didn’t want her friend to think she didn’t like Shelby’s future brother-in-law. “I like him. Well, I don’t really know him. But I don’t dislike him.” She was talking too fast. “I need his help with my sister, but I don’t want to officially call the cops. But I need a cop. I know that doesn’t make sense, but... I don’t know. Maybe it’s too much to ask. I’m probably making something into nothing and everything will be fine. But it would be nice to have some backup. And I thought maybe he could, you know, stand there with that intimidating look on his face and make sure everything is okay. I mean, I just want Angela out of there. And get her over here. So maybe he could do that.” She sounded like a lunatic.

Shelby paused for a moment, then said, “Cyn. Hunt is a good man. He will help you. All you have to do is ask.”

“You’re sure? Because I don’t think he likesme. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m off my rocker.” The scene with her accusing him of arresting old ladies and acting like a maniac in front of Mrs. Phelps played in her mind.

“I’m sure that’s not the case. I just sent you his contact information.”

Cyn’s phone beeped with the incoming text. She sighed with relief.

“Call him. If he can’t help because of work or something, you let me know and I’ll ask Max to help you out. If this is about your sister, I don’t want you going there alone. I know it’s usually fine, but still I’d feel better knowing you’ve got someone there just in case something goes wrong.”

“Thank you, Shelby. I really appreciate this.”

“You might let Hunt know you appreciate his help instead of glaring at him all the time because he wrote you a ticket.”

“Many, many tickets. The man never lets me off with a warning.”

“Did heevergive you a warning?”

Cyn glared at her phone before reluctantly answering, “Yes.”

Shelby chuckled. “Stop driving like you’re in NASCAR.”

“Whatever. I can’t help it. And now that I walk to work most days, I’ve gotten less tickets.”

“Didn’t you get one like three months ago for doing ninety-something on the freeway?”

She ignored that altogether. “Are we still on for lunch on Wednesday?”

Shelby chuckled. “Of course we are.”

Cyn grinned. She really loved talking to Shelby. It was so easy to open up and just be herself. “Thank you again. You’re the best.”

“Be safe.”

Cyn saved Hunt’s contact card, debated for a moment whether to simply text him or call him. In the end, she decided that something like this required her to actually speak to the man.

She put the call through and waited, holding her breath, unsure if he’d even speak to her, let alone help her. Three rings in, she thought maybe she’d get voice mail, but then he answered.

“What do you want?” Hunt grumbled in that deep sexy voice of his that always sounded irritated when he spoke to her.

She wished he didn’t sound so displeased to hear from her.

“Hello. Who is this?” This time he sounded half-asleep.

“Hey, Wilde. It’s Cyn. Are you sleeping?”

“Not anymore,” he grumbled again. “What time is it?”

She checked her phone, wondering why he didn’t do the same. “Six twenty-two.”

“Why are you calling so early?” He slurred the words like he really wasn’t awake.