“It’s not just about me anymore.”

“Everything will be better when you’re away from here. I promise. And if he won’t stay away, we’ll make him.” If she had to go to Hunt and beg him to help her get a restraining order, she’d do it. Though after seeing him with Mrs. Phelps and how he’d helped her, maybe she wasn’t giving him enough credit for caring about the people he served.

She needed to find a good lawyer. Maybe Hunt could point her in the right direction for that, too.

She could ask Shelby to ask him for her.

Because ever since the other day when she ran up to his patrol car and discovered she’d completely made a fool of herself, and especially since her calls with Mrs. Phelps and what she said about Hunt, Cyn felt the need to show Hunt she wasn’t who he thought she was.And that could only mean one thing. She wanted him to like her.

And what the hell was that about?

Angela stepped back and waved her to come inside the house. “Stay a bit. I don’t want him to get suspicious.”

Cyn followed Angela into the house, noting the bottles by the sink, dishes in the strainer and the basket of folded laundry on the table. Her sister had come out of her funk and cleaned up since the last time Cyn was here. A good sign her sister’s depression had waned.

She took a seat at the table across from Angela. Cyn couldn’t help but glance at the haphazard stack of mail in front of her. The past-due notices interspersed with the junk mail caught her eye.

Rad walked up and dropped the donut box on top of the mail. Four donuts were missing from the box. He had glaze stuck to the corner of his mouth. “Nice of you to bring those.” He sounded suspicious. “But you could have gotten more than just glazed ones.”

“Those are Angela’s favorites.”As in, I brought them for her, dumbshit.

Cyn stood and went to the counter, grabbed a couple of paper towels off the roll, dropped one in front of her sister, placed a donut on it, then sat and did the same for herself.

“Make yourself at home,” Rad bit out.

She glanced up at him. “I thought I was welcome in my sister’s home?”

“This is my place. She lives here with me and follows my rules.”

“Is there a rule against having company over?”

“Company is usually polite and minds their own business.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “Have I not been polite? I brought my sister a treat for having me in her home.”

He narrowed his gaze and seethed because she hadn’t saidhishome.

“I’ve held my tongue and not said ninety-nine percent of what I’d like to say to you.”

“I’d like to shut you up and put that devilish tongue to much better use.”

Cyn sat back in the chair and glared up at him. “I’m confused. You say stuff like that, which makes me think you want to fuck me, but you’re constantly antagonizing me and telling me to stay the hell away, like you can’t stand me. So which is it? Because it’s a real shit thing to want to fuck your girlfriend’s sister, not to mention saying it right in front of her, even if you are thinking it. I mean, that’s just not polite.” And she’d rather swallow nails and be doused in acid than be with him.

“I don’t have to like you to fuck you.”

“Which proves my point that you don’t give a shit about Angela. I respect and love my sister. The last thing I would ever do is have sex with her man. But let’s get one thing straight. I would never, ever, invite you to put a hand on me. I would rather—”

“Be set on fire,” he bit out, fury in his eyes. “Yeah. So you’ve said, you stuck-up bitch.”

“I’m glad we’re clear on that.” She took a bite of her donut, not taking her eyes off him. She wanted it to look like she didn’t care, but her heart pounded in her chest. She’d really made him angry and maybe poking therattlesnake was not a good idea, but she loathed him so badly she couldn’t help herself.

“Careful, Cyn, or you’ll get what’s coming to you and I will burn your ass.”

Angela had sat across from them, perfectly still and watchful, but the threat made her lean forward. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work soon?”

“Should you be tellingmewhat to do?”

“I didn’t,” her sister quickly said, lowering her head.