“I can’t imagine, Hunt. And I feel for her. I do. But this was the only way that didn’t end with the club getting rid of the baby some other way. Maybe they’d have dropped her at a fire station or hospital. I think the man who contacted me would have done that if he hadn’t found the connection between the baby and me. But the others in the club... Some of them are ruthless.”

“I still don’t understand how he made the connection.”

“It doesn’t matter. Lana is with Cyn now, where she belongs. And with you, I guess, in a way. Are you two going to raise Lana together?”

Things were happening so fast, but he didn’t hesitate. Not when it came to Cyn. “Yes. That’s what I want. In fact, we had a talk this morning about moving things forward.” God, had it only been a couple of hours ago he showed her the nursery and now they were bringing home a baby?

Unless Cyn decided to go back to her place once Rad was found.

They needed to have another talk.

Right now it had to wait because Cyn pulled in looking pale, her hand shaking when she took it off the steering wheel to open the car door. She ran for him, and he closed the distance, taking her into his arms and holding her close.

“I did it. I got her.”

He wrapped her in his arms and held her tight. “You’re safe, sweetheart. I knew you could do it.”

“We need to leave. Just in case they followed me. I don’t want them to see me with you and think I’ve called in the cops.”

“Okay. We’ll go. But first, look at me.” He leaned back, but she didn’t raise her face to his. “Cyn. Look at me.”

She finally did and it tore at him to see the fear still in her eyes. “That was really... hard.”

“But you did it. It’s over. Lana is in the truck. We are taking her home. You are okay,” he reminded her.

Lyric put her hand on Cyn’s shoulder. “I’m sorry they scared you like that.”

Cyn looked from Lyric to Hunt. “The guy called her to let her know about the gun to your head. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”

“I knew he wasn’t going to shoot me. It was a threat.”

“A very real one,” Lyric pointed out.

Cyn nodded and raked her trembling fingers through her hair. “I know. But I didn’t think he’d do it. He wanted the baby out of there. He wanted to believe I’d take her and go and that would be the end of it.”

“If they got caught with Lana, it could bring down their club.”

“I’m sure they would have found a way out of it, but it would have shined a spotlight on them,” Hunt agreed.

“Everyone is safe. That’s all that matters. But to be sure, I think you two should head back to Willow Fork, so they’re not spooked about you sticking around.”

Hunt hugged Lyric. “Thank you.”

“I didn’t do anything. It was all... him.” She looked confused about “him.”

Hunt wasn’t. He appreciated that Viper stuck hisneck out for Cyn. “Take care. If this blows back on your guy or you, let me know.”

Lyric’s concerned gaze softened. “I think it’s all going to be okay.”

Hunt exchanged a look with Cyn and the look in her eyes matched his thought. With Rad still on the loose, this wasn’t over yet.

Chapter Thirty

The club was packed with bikers and babes, the music blaring, pool balls crashing, pinball machines ringing, when Rad walked in and scanned the large open space looking for the woman who had what he wanted back.

Viper came out of nowhere, took him by the scruff of his neck and asked, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I came to see—” His head thumped against the wall, cutting off his words.