“You like me,” he pointed out, hoping to score some points with his pretty cousin.

She rolled her eyes.

He made the introductions. “Cyn. This is Aria, Lyric and Melody. Wilde,” he added to ease her mind, though he liked seeing a little jealousy in her eyes. He looked at the girls. “Where’s Jax?”

“Here.” His cousin walked out of the back, yawning and carrying a mug of coffee. His gaze landed on Cyn and a slow smile broke on his lips. “Hello. Please tell me you’re not with him.”

Cyn grinned. “I’m with him.”

He loved her immediate response and the way she moved closer to him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Tell me what you know and how we’re supposed to do this.”

Lyric took the lead. “A few of the biker club members like to come in here on the regular, even though they’ve got their club.”

“They like the food,” Melody said.

“And the women,” Jax added, not meaning his sisters at all.

Hunt nodded for Lyric to go on.

“One of them, well, he’s newer than the others. He’s... intense.” She waved that away. “Anyway, he called me this morning to tell me he overheard the president of the club say they were basically fucked if the Wilson baby was found with anyone associated with the club. Apparently, the president’s sister knows Rad somehow. I think they dated, or were dating.” She waved that away, too. “Rad has some kind of business going with the club.”

Hunt exchanged a look with Cyn. “Maybe it had something to do with him pawning or selling off the stuff he stole. The club members would be able to move the stolen goods, presumably.”

Lyric shrugged. “Anyway, the guy I know, Viper, said they were trying to get in touch with Rad for him to come and get the baby, but they’d had no luck reaching him. But they also wanted to get the baby out of there ASAP because the heat is on Rad and they don’t want it coming down on them.”

“Okay. But how did Viper know to contact you about the baby?” Cyn asked, trying to piece things together.

Hunt didn’t get how they linked the baby to Lyric, which led to him and Cyn, either.

Lyric shrugged. “Don’t know. Viper just asked if I could get in contact with my cop cousin in Willow Fork and get you and Cyn here.”

Hunt eyed Lyric. “He seems to know a lot about your family and that I’m connected to the case.”

Lyric shrugged again and didn’t fill in anything from his leading statement.

“So why didn’t your friend just bring the baby to you?” Cyn asked.

Lyric waved that away. “No one is supposed to know the baby is there. Viper didn’t want the club to know he’d told me about the baby. He’d get in trouble for talking about club business with outsiders. They can’t take the chance someone sees them bring the baby here either. Viper said the best plan was to make it seem like Rad sent you to get your niece.”

Cyn sighed. “So basically you want me to walk in there and demand my niece back, saying Rad sent me,when we have no idea if they’ve been able to get in contact with Rad and could know that I’m lying.”

“Yes.” Lyric looked a little scared. “And if they know you’re lying, you can’t tell them how you knew the baby was there. I promised Viper that no matter what happened none of us would rat him out.”

“Okay. So I’m supposed to bluff my way through this.” Cyn turned to Hunt, concern in her eyes that so much of this could go wrong. Then she looked down at herself and back at his cousins. “I’ll need something else to wear. I’m not walking into a biker club looking like I belong in a hipster coffee shop and can’t hold my own.”

Melody’s eyes filled with delight. “I’ve got you covered.”

“You mean uncovered,” Jax grumbled, looking at Melody’s purple tank top that barely covered her breasts, the white lace bra poking out the top of it and the skirt that barely covered her ass.

Melody waved Cyn to follow her down a long hallway. “I’ve got some stuff in my locker in the back. I never know when a fight is going to break out in here and I’m going to be covered in beer and booze.”

“Every night,” Jax called out to his retreating sister. “Usually because two cowboys are fighting over one of you.”

Lyric shook her head. “No one’s fought over me.”

“That’s because Viper glares at every dude who even looks at you.”

She pressed her lips tight and shook her head. “No, he doesn’t.”