He went perfectly still. “Ever? Because we can adopt or use a surrogate. There are other ways to make a family.”

She shook her head, loving him even more for coming up with a solution and being open to other possibilities and not even considering being with someone else who could give him a child. “I love you for that, but that’s not what I’m saying. I can have a baby. At least, there’s no reason to think I can’t. I’ve never tried.”

Hunt put his hand on her shoulder. “Cyn. What are you trying to tell me?”

“Sorry. I’m making a mess of this.” She sighed. “It’s simple. I don’t have any STDs. I do, however, have an IUD, which prevents pregnancy. So if you didn’t want to use condoms... I’m okay with that. With you.” She didn’t have any hesitation taking another step deeper into intimacy with him. Especially not after he’d bared his soul and showed her that room upstairs, letting her know exactly what he wanted.

Hunt grabbed his phone off the counter and started tapping his finger on the screen. “What is the damn password?” He tried typing something in again.

She touched his hand to stop him. “Are you trying to look up your records?”

“Yes.” He looked up at the ceiling, thinking. “I had them run the blood work like ten months ago. It came back clean. Of course. And I haven’t been with anyone since.” He tried another password.

She took his phone and set it aside. “Okay.”

He looked at her blankly. “Okay, what?”

“Your results were negative. Okay.”

“You’re just going to take my word.”

“You have no reason to lie. And you’re not a liar. I believe you one hundred percent. So we’re good and can stop talking about all that. Unless there’s something specific you want or need in our sex life that I can give you, then I’m open to the discussion.”

Hunt’s eyes went wide. “For real?”

“Yes. Making you happy, fulfilling your needs, that’s important to me. How do I know if I am or I’m not if you don’t let me know?”

“Is there something you want, Cyn?”

“I love everything we do. You’re a generous and very attentive lover. And because of my injuries, you’ve been cautious.”

“I don’t want to ever hurt you.”

“I know. I appreciate the restraint I sometimes feel in you. I hope, when I’m healed, you’ll let loose that greedy side of you, because that would be a powerful thing between us.”

“So you like things a little aggressive.”

“I don’t want there to ever be anything between us that holds you back from being you.”

Hunt stood and cupped her face, looking down into her eyes, his ablaze with desire. “Believe me, Cyn, making love to you is the greatest pleasure. I don’t care if it’s slow and soft and sweet, or fast and hard and mindless, as long as it’s with you. I’m glad we had this talk. I’m thrilled to have the only all-access pass. I only wish you’d waited until after you ate to tell me because now all I can think about is being inside you without any barriers separating us.”

She slid her hand up his long, thick length and squeezed him in her palm.

He hissed with the sheer pleasure she read in his eyes, then pulled her hand away. “Eat your breakfast,” he ordered, sitting next to her again. “Please. You’re going to need your strength.”

She giggled and picked up her fork. “You sure you don’t want me to eat sitting on your lap?” She eyed him and put a forkful of eggs into her mouth and drew the fork out very slowly.

“Fuck, Cyn, you’re killing me.” He reached for her, but his phone rang. He didn’t take his eyes off her when he growled again, then picked up his phone. “I wish I didn’t have to answer this.”

“Me, too, but it’s part of your job.” She understood that, as a cop, he was on call even when he technically wasn’t.

He cupped her face in one hand. “Thank you for understanding.”

“We’re together. I like that too much to let the little things get in the way of us.”

He gave her a quick kiss. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.” He reluctantly answered the call. “Wilde.” He listened for a moment, then stood and walked away.

She took her plate, went into the kitchen, just as he closed the bedroom door, and put her plate in the microwave to reheat her food. She didn’t mind that he took the call in privacy. She imagined there would be a lot of things he encountered at work that he’d need to keep confidential. Still, her curiosity was piqued, because she wondered if he was getting an update about her sister’s death, Rad or Lana.