“Yes. But if you want to do it again after we get some sleep, I’m happy to join in.”

Cyn didn’t think she’d actually sleep, but then she woke up to a bright beam of sunlight spearing through the mostly closed curtains and Hunt kissing his way down her spine and squeezing her ass.

“Morning,” she mumbled, pushing her bottom up into his hands.

“Your mom called. She couldn’t sleep.” Hunt brushed his fingers down her spine, over her rump, down the back of her thigh to her knee. “I wanted to let you sleep, but she didn’t sound good, especially since she didn’t get to see you at the hospital last night.”

Cyn had a hard enough time dealing with her own emotions. All she needed last night was Hunt, holding her through the worst of her tears. His touch easing the aches and pains and heartbreak. His love filling her up and making her believe that everything was going to be okay.

They might be facing dark times right now, but he was the light she clung to, the joy she found even in the face of death. But she didn’t know if she could face her mother’s anguish and anger, even though she felt stronger now.

She didn’t know if she could face it today. “Can we just stay in bed with the covers over our heads and eat chocolate, and the only decision we have to make is who is going to get up to stoke the fire? It’ll be you, by the way.”

She got the soft chuckle she wanted from him.

“That sounds like an amazing day, sweetheart. And being in bed with you in my arms is my very favorite thing.”

“But you’re going to work to see what’s happening on the case and try to track down Rad.”

“We need to find him before—”

“He comes to finish what he started yesterday.”

“I was going to say before he disappears with Lana. Though it’s going to be much harder for him to do that now. His picture and Lana’s are all over the news. There’s a statewide AMBER Alert. There’s even a mention of anyone helping Rad facing charges.”

“You’re hoping that will make whoever’s been taking care of Lana for Rad come forward.”

“Yes. Maybe they don’t know what they’ve gotten caught up in and will want to do the right thing now.”

She rolled to her back, the sheet slipping down below her breasts.

Hunt sat beside her on the bed staring down at her. “You are such a temptation.”

“And I’m all yours.”

He slid his hand across her belly and gripped her side. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“Sore. Like my life has been turned upside down even though you make me feel centered and present and not lost in the shitstorm.”

“Come have coffee and breakfast with me.”

“I probably need to call my mom back. We definitely need to make arrangements for my sister. And I haven’t been in to work in... I don’t even know how long it’s been at this point.”

Hunt leaned in close. “Right now, you need to take care of you. And if you won’t do that, you need to let me do it for you.”

They had a very short staring contest. She knew she wouldn’t win this argument and didn’t know why she bothered trying when breakfast with Hunt sounded like it would probably be the best thing to happen to her today. Except maybe him making love to her again. Everything else she needed to do sounded like a lot of work and emotional upheaval ahead.

“You know what I love about you?”

“My exceptional restraint in not diving on top of you right now?” The deadpan look made it clear he was serious.

“And your ass,” she teased.

“And me in my uniform and wearing my glasses.”

“I’d take you naked in glasses happily.”

He finally grinned. “You can have me any way you want me.”