“And Angela called her abusive boyfriend to tell him she and the baby are okay but didn’t bother to call the one person she’s closest to in this world, her sister. Comeon, Mr. Harmon, you’re smarter than this. And so am I. Maybe you want to believe that bullshit story Rad fed you because you don’t want to think your son capable of the things I know he’s done. But I’ve seen the proof of it on Angela’s face. And Cyn’s. And on the other people I believe he’s hurt.”


“That’s another thing Rad is going to answer for. But don’t put yourself in the position of being charged with accessory after the fact. If you know where he is, you need to tell me before things get worse.”

“Has he been charged with a crime?” Mr. Harmon was holding out hope this was all going to go away.

“Not yet. But don’t think for a moment that I’m going to let this go.”

“You two used to be such good friends.”

Hunt didn’t need the reminder. “Yeah. Right up until I watched him backhand a woman I care about. That’s the kind of man your son turned into. Don’t let him take you down with him. Now tell me where he is before it’s too late.”

“I don’t know,” Mr. Harmon said, his voice low and resigned. “His mother asked him twice. Both times, he changed the subject and didn’t give her an answer.”

“Do you know anywhere he might be?”

“At this point, I don’t think I know anything about who he’s become or what he’s doing. All I want is my granddaughter back. She’s just a baby. Where is she?” Fear and deep concern filled his voice. Despite the story his son had told him, he truly didn’t have the answer to those questions.

“I hope she’s in Idaho like Rad said, but I’m guessing she’s not.”

“Will you let me know if you find out anything about them?”

Hunt appreciated that Mr. Harmon wasn’t only concerned about Lana. “I will. But you need to promise me you’ll contact me if you hear from Rad again. This is very serious, Mr. Harmon. I will do my job no matter the connection I have to you and your family.”

“I know it. Rad knows it, too, or he wouldn’t have skipped out like this.”

“He’s guilty, Mr. Harmon. Of what exactly is what I’m trying to find out. All everyone wants is for Angela and Lana to be found safe. If he’s done something to them, the best we can hope for is to give the families peace by figuring out what happened to them.”

“I never thought this would happen.”

“Unfortunately, this happens all too often in domestic abuse cases. If you talk to Rad, the best thing you can do is convince him to come forward and tell me what happened. I will make sure he’s peacefully taken into custody. I will hear him out. But I will not stop looking for him until I know what happened to Angela and Lana.”

“If he calls, I’ll do my best. I’ll try to get his mother to do the same, but she’ll have a harder time of it.” Mr. Harmon hung up.

Hunt dreaded telling Cyn about Rad’s call. He’d ask about any friends Angela might have in Idaho. Didn’t matter. She’d see right through it. But she’d hope it was true, that there was some explanation for her sisterleaving the state and going to Idaho and staying with a friend. She’d want to explain away the cell phone not being used since, her sister leaving without any possessions, not even a change of clothes it appeared, and not calling her to tell her they were safe.

But Cyn would know, like he knew, that Rad was lying through his teeth, trying to buy time. For what, Hunt didn’t know. But if he was in contact with his parents, maybe he was scared enough to come in and tell them what happened.

There was no way he was getting away with anything.

Chapter Twenty-One

Cyn met Hunt in front of the diner in town. She’d followed him in her car. Finally after two days of resting at his place and no new episodes of her body doing weird things, he agreed to let her drive and go into work.

She’d never been in a relationship like this. Of course they all started with a spark of interest and a healthy dose of lust. But with Hunt, she found herself opening up about so much more than she’d shared with anyone else.

They sat by the fire the last two nights talking. He opened up to her about his past. She knew a little about his mom’s death from cancer. He told her how Chase had taken their mother away because she wanted to die on her terms and in her own way. By the ocean she’d never seen in person. She hadn’t wanted her beloved husband and sons to watch her die. Hunt resented Chase for a long time and blamed him for taking her away, though it was their mother’s wish.

She’d felt his sorrow and regret that he hadn’t been able to give his mom what she needed in the end. He’d begged her to fight, not realizing how much pain she was in and how much she wanted peace for herself and all of them.

Hunt said he and Chase had made up, but because of the rift that tore apart even more because of Chase’s addiction and Hunt having to push him into rehab with Shelby or end up arresting him, things were still not back to normal. Hunt wanted them to be close like they used to be. And they were slowly getting there.

“Hey, sweetheart, everything okay?” Hunt held out his hand to her when he stepped onto the curb from the parking lot to join her.

She took his hand. “Just thinking about how nice it’s been the last few days with you.”

Hunt tugged her into his side and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked into the diner. “I like having you close all the time. Sorry I got pulled away to work yesterday. I really did want to have a marathon movie day with you on the couch.”