“That’s your name.”

“You always call me Wilde. And most of the time it doesn’t sound pleasant. Hunt sounded good coming from your lips.”

She gave him a soft smile. “Kiss me good night, Hunt.”

He did. And it was soft and sweet and nothing like what he craved but everything she needed right now. He guessed they both did because it soothed him in a way nothing else could.

But he couldn’t stop thinking about her mom either. “Is she serious about wanting you to kill Rad?”

She sighed out her frustration. “She’s not exactly the most stable person in the world, in case you didn’t notice.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“She’s as serious as she gets. But that doesn’t meanI’m out to do him in because she commands it. If he killed my sister and niece, or just one of them, I’d like to see him rot in a cell for the rest of his life. I’d like him to regret what he did and miss every moment from now on in Lana’s life, knowing I’m the one raising her and that I will never allow him to see her. I want him to suffer the way I’m suffering without them.” She broke down in a fit of tears that wrenched his heart.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know how much you miss them and not knowing where they are or if they’re safe is killing you.” He held her close, his face in her neck, her arms around his shoulders until, exhausted, she fell back into a fitful sleep until the nurse came in, shot her full of narcotics, and Cyn got the respite she needed from all the trauma she’d suffered.

Hunt planned his next move to take down Rad and stop him from hurting anyone else, including Cyn, ever again.

Chapter Twelve

Rad and his lawyer sat next to each other at a scarred table, waiting for Officer Reid to come in and conduct yet another interview. Rad had heard about the search for Angela on the local news. He’d wanted to help, but his lawyer and parents told him to let law enforcement handle it. He looked guilty no matter what, so he decided to sit it out rather than spend the day with everyone around him judging him.

The stress of the situation wore on him. He didn’t need this.

Officer Reid made him and his lawyer wait a good twenty minutes before he walked in the tiny room carrying a thick folder with his name on it. Just a trick, he told himself.He wants to intimidate me.

Rad fumed. Every second he sat here his lawyer racked up more money on the bill. His parents were helping him out, but their generosity only extended so far.

And they were on his case big-time about Angela and Lana. They’d outright asked him if he did anything to Angela. They begged him to bring Lana home.

As if he could.

He planned to keep his mouth shut from now on.He’d given his statement the first time he got dragged down here and he didn’t want to add anything to it. He wasn’t stupid.

His lawyer broke the silence. “We’ve gone over Mr. Harmon’s statement twice now. If you have no new questions or information, then my client has said all he knows about the disappearance of his girlfriend, Angela, and their daughter, Lana.”

Officer Reid leaned in. “We have some new information.”

“What?” Rad asked without thinking, but caught himself before he jerked forward and demanded to know exactly what they knew.

Officer Reid eyed him. “The police department, in conjunction with other law enforcement agencies along with Search and Rescue, conducted an extensive search today in an area about twenty miles outside of town. One of the teams, led by Officer Wilde, located Angela Wilson’s vehicle.”

Rad leaned forward. “How did he find it?”

Officer Reid held his gaze. “You sound surprised?”

“What? I’m not.” He sat back and wiped his hands on his thighs. “It’s just... That was fast.”

“Your tax dollars at work. And Officer Wilde seems to have a personal interest in the case.”

“Let me guess... Cyn.” He thought he caught something going on between them when Hunt showed up after Cyn busted in on him at his place. That girl was like a dog with a bone. She’d never stop coming after him.

Officer Reid didn’t answer him. “You and Officer Wilde were friends since grade school until you had a falling-out when he arrested you for assault.”

That bitch deserved a good smack in the face for taunting him. She never knew when to shut up. Not like Angela. Well, except the last time he’d seen her.

“Then shouldn’t Officer Wilde recuse himself from this case?” his lawyer asked.