When they’d stopped a little while ago to eat and Hunt had checked in with the other teams on his radio, her legs had already been wobbly. She’d stretched her sore legs and continued to scan the area on foot, looking for any sign that someone came through this seemingly little-used path. In her mind, she hoped to find some kind of bread-crumb trail her sister left for her to follow. But all she really had was some notion Hunt had thatRad would go somewhere he knew if he wanted to hide a body.

Oh, Hunt didn’t say it in so many words, but they all knew that’s what they were out here looking for and it threatened to break her the longer they went without finding anything.

Half an hour into their resumed ride and search efforts, Hunt reached out and took her hand. “I know this is hard. If you want to turn back and let us finish—”

“No. I’m fine. I can do this. We have the trail, if that’s what it is, to follow.” They’d marked several places that looked like fresh tire tracks. Were they from her sister’s car or Rad’s truck? They wouldn’t know for sure until the police investigated further and compared them. For all she knew, they could be following the last forestry truck that went through here, or some hunter’s vehicle who’d trespassed and used the trail.

She could see exactly why they’d risk it. So far, she’d spotted about a dozen deer along the way.

If they weren’t out here for the reason they were, it would be a really pleasant ride. She loved nature and seeing the woodland creatures scampering about the damp leaf-laden forest floor and up in the tall trees.

“The river is not that far ahead. That’s my end point for today.” Hunt glanced up at the sky. “We’re a little behind my schedule, but we should be able to make it back before full nightfall.”

She asked the hard question. “Do you think he dumped my sister in the river?”

Hunt squeezed her hand, their thighs touching as they rode their horses side by side. “I don’t know, sweetheart. All I know is her phone was in this general areabefore it was shut off or the battery died. Most of it isn’t accessible by car or ATV. Rad doesn’t own an ATV or a horse, so my best guess is he came out here in your sister’s car.”

“How did he get out of here and home?”

“Again, my best guess... Someone helped him. Someone who I hope is taking care of Lana.”

She hadn’t thought of that, but it made sense. “What kind of person helps hide a body and takes care of a baby that’s not theirs after they know the person who asked for their help killed someone?”

“Someone who doesn’t know that’s what happened. Rad probably lied and came up with a plausible story. He’d say they fought. Angela scratched him. His wounds were deep. She fought hard. So he tells this person what he told us. She left him.”

“And this person buys that?”

“Until they find out the authorities are looking for them. Then, hopefully, they do the right thing and bring the baby back.”

“If that’s even what happened,” she said skeptically.

“The best lies are the ones that stick closest to the truth.”

She shrugged. “Is that the river I hear?” The roaring sound had gotten louder the last few minutes.

“Yeah. We’re close.”

Chase headed back toward them. “We spotted something.” He held her gaze. “You might want to wait here.”

Her stomach dropped. She kicked her mount forward. “There is no way I’m coming all this way and waiting.”

Chase turned to Hunt. “We’ll need to keep the horses back a bit so we don’t disturb the scene.”

Hunt caught up to Cyn just past Chase’s mount. “Wait a second, Cyn. We’ll tie off the horses here and walk in. We need to do this right so the evidence sticks and Rad goes away for this.”

She sighed and unclenched her hands from the reins. “Fine.” She dismounted and nearly fell on her ass, but Hunt caught her.

“Get your legs under you.”

She stamped her feet to get the blood flowing.

Hunt rubbed his hands up and down her arms and kissed her on the head, then dipped low and whispered in her ear. “Whatever we find up ahead, know I’m here for you.”

“I can do this.” She said it as much to reassure herself as him.

“I know you can.” He took her hand and led her down the path to where Chase, Max and Shelby had dismounted and left their horses.

Shelby gave her a weak smile. “We don’t know anything for sure yet,” she warned.