“I know you believe that. I think it’s the most likely thing, too, but if he threatened her and you, maybe to protect you and the baby, she ran as far and as fast as she could.”

“I want to believe that.”

“I know you do.” But Angela still would have called Cyn to let her know she was okay.

“What about her car?”

“We’re looking for it. Every law enforcement agency in the state has the vehicle description and license number. She didn’t have an antitheft tracker or a service that can locate the car for us.”

“It was old and on its last legs. I thought about giving her my car. It’s newer and would have been perfect for her and Lana. I’d get something new. Lana would grow up happy with her mom and auntie watching over her.”

“We don’t know if Lana is with your sister, or if Rad stashed her somewhere else.”

“Where? She’s not with his parents. Who else would he take her to?”

“We’re checking with all his relatives and friends.”

Cyn crossed her arms and hung her head. “It feels like the longer we don’t know anything, the worse it gets.”

“We are doing everything we can right now. I swear to you, I won’t stop until I find them.”

She sighed and leaned forward again. “Thank you. Know that I appreciate it even when I don’t show it.”

He stared down at his half-eaten plate of food. “You have a really nice way of showing it. I can’t remember the last time someone cooked me a meal that didn’t come from a restaurant.”

“Then I’m happy to be that person. Someone needs to look out for you. You work too much.”

“We’re short-staffed due to a couple of retirements and officers leaving to take jobs in bigger cities for more pay.”

“And you’ve barely slept the last two days.”

“Worried about me?”

She gave him a half grin. “Mildly concerned,” she teased.

“I’ll take it.” He dug into the food again, because he’d need the sustenance to get through the grueling search later. “Do you want me to go with you to your mom’s place?”

Cyn stood. “Thanks for the offer, but we haven’t even had a first date and I don’t want to scare you off this soon in our relationship.”

He met her amused gaze. “I don’t scare that easily, sweetheart.”

“You haven’t met my mother.” She planted her hands on the desk and leaned in close. “Thank you for coming to the rescue last night, but if you ever risk your life likethat, driving while you’re that exhausted, I will not be happy about it and you will not be happy with how I express it.”

Hunt stood, matched her position with his hands planted on the desk, his face close to hers. “I will always come when you call. No matter what. And when you need someone, I don’t care when or why, you better call me.”

She put her hand to his jaw, her thumb across his chin, her index finger to his lips. “You might regret it when I do.”

He kissed her finger, then took her hand and planted another kiss in her palm. “I don’t think I ever will.”

“Text me the location of where the search will begin. I’ll be there.”


She squeezed his hand. “I need to do something.”

“What about your job?”

She tilted her head and gave him a sassy half grin. “It’s not like I’ll get fired. I own the place.”