He smacked his hand on the steering wheel when he got Cyn’s voice mail again. He needed to beat her there, but doubted he could. Not the way Cyn drove like a bat out of hell on a normal day.

This was anything but a typical situation.

He’d be glad to see her in one piece and not roadkill because the woman didn’t know the meaning of slow down.

The drive took an eternity. All he wished was for her to be safe and unharmed and that they got Angela out of there before things got worse.

Cyn jumped out of her car the second she slammed it into Park and shut off the engine. She ran for the porch steps and burst into Rad’s house without knocking.

“Angela! Angela, where are you?” She didn’t see herin the kitchen and turned to the living room, the sound of the TV drawing her attention, but it was Rad rising from the couch, a half-empty bottle of whiskey in front of him, his eyes dark with fury.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

She ignored him, turned for the hallway, looking through every open door until she reached the master bedroom and rushed in, hoping to find her sister but not seeing her. She looked at the open closet, the dresser, into the bathroom, and didn’t see any sign of her sister packing anything to leave.

He didn’t know.

At least she hoped not.

But where was her sister?

Driven by fear and fury, she rushed back into the living space and found Rad standing between the kitchen and living room. “Where is she?” This time she noted the scratch marks welling with dried blood on the side of his neck. It looked like her sister had raked her fingers over his skin. “What did you do to her?”

“Get out!” Rad bellowed at her.

“Where is she?” The desperation clawing at her insides sprang up as tears in her eyes.

Something feral came over Rad and he stalked toward her, his mouth drawn back in a snarl. He hooked one hand at the back of her head, braced his other arm against her chest, shoved her back into the entry wall and held her there, his face inches from hers. “I am so fucking tired of you coming in here making demands. She’s not here. And if you don’t leave, you’ll join her where she is.”

She sucked in a gasp, surprised he’d say such a thing,but hearing the truth in his words all the same. The tears fell despite the rage exploding inside her.

Rad turned as a truck came to a jarring stop in the driveway, the headlights spotlighting them. He pulled her close. “You fucking called the cops. Again.” He shoved her into the wall again and her head smacked against the drywall and bounced back, making her see stars for a second. “If you don’t get rid of him right now, you’ll never find her.”

“Just tell me where she is? Is she okay?”

“Fix this, and maybe I’ll tell you.” He shoved her toward the door.

She had no choice and let her fury fly at the wrong man. “You did this,” she accused Hunt.

He abruptly stopped in his tracks the second her words hit him. “Are you okay? Your head...”

“She’s fine,” Rad said. “She was just leaving.”

Hunt pinned Rad in a death glare. “I wasn’t talking to you.”

She turned to Rad and did something she never thought she’d do with any man. She begged. “Please. What happened? Tell me where she is.” She could feel Hunt come up behind her.

Rad looked past her at Hunt. “I arrived home this afternoon, thinking my girlfriend would be here waiting for me, ready to sympathize about howyougot me fired,” Rad seethed. “But did she sympathize? Did she console me? Did she offer any kind words of encouragement that everything would be all right?”

“What did you do?” Hunt asked.

“Me?What didIdo? How about whatshedid?” Rad took a menacing step closer to Cyn and stared downinto her eyes. “Your bitch of a sister didn’t do anything. She just sat there looking at me like it was all my fault. Like I deserved it. For what? Putting her in her place when she got out of line or fucked something up? Again. Because a guy who used to be my best friend betrayedme? Not once, but twice.” Rad pinned Hunt in his gaze, then turned that hate-filled gaze back on her.

“What did you do?” She repeated Hunt’s question on a breathless whisper.

Rad didn’t answer the question. “She should have known better.”

Those ominous words froze Cyn’s heart and she knew that terrible thing she’d always feared had come true.