“I’m glad you feel that way, because most of my stuff is now at your place.”

He took her hand, smiled, kissed her palm, then laid the back of her hand gently against his chest. “Our place,” he clarified for the hundredth time, or at least it felt that way.

“Our place,” she confirmed.

“That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

“I can top it.”

He looked over at her. “You can try.”

“I love you.”

He leaned over, winced, but kissed her like he hadn’t kissed her in forever. His fingers dove into her hair and he held her head to him, lingering over the kiss, their tongues gliding along each other’s as they lost themselves in the connection they shared and the passionbuilding between them. She was panting by the time he pulled back. “I love you, too. It’s you and me and Lana now, Cyn,” he promised. “Let’s go home to our little girl.”

She didn’t know how her heart could be any fuller, but somehow Hunt found a way to build on the love they shared.

She let him rest on the drive home and focused on the peaceful night and the soft country music radio station that seemed to be playing nothing but love songs tonight. She held Hunt’s hand, drove and let the perfect contentment of the moment wash away the stain of all the bad that happened tonight. It was hard to focus on that when she had so much to be grateful for, especially the man beside her.

She pulled into the driveway, cut the engine and squeezed Hunt’s hand. “We’re home.”

Hunt rolled his head on the headrest and looked at her. “One day soon, I’m going to ask you to be my wife.”

Yep, Hunt built the love inside her until her heart was bursting with it. “I’ll be saying yes to that when you do.”

His smile couldn’t get any bigger or brighter. “Let’s go see our girl.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Hunt woke up to the dim morning light seeping through the drapes. The fire from last night had burned out, leaving the hearth cold, but he was warm lying snuggled up to Cyn’s soft curves, her rump pressed into his thickening cock. He had his hand on her thigh, his nose in her soft citrus-smelling hair. His chest still hurt after three days, but it got a little better each day.

He and Cyn had hunkered down at home with Lana, settling in together with a renewed sense of commitment to each other and their future. They didn’t do much the last couple of days, except spend time together as a family. Cyn grieved Angela while getting to know Lana even better. He loved seeing a different side to Cyn. Her maternal side made him love her even more. She was sweet and tender and engaged with Lana as they both learned to take care of her.

The last few weeks had left Cyn quieter than usual, but she still found a way to smile when Lana cooed, or held her finger, or kicked her feet when she wanted to try to escape her dirty diaper. Every chance Cyn got, she touched him in some way to reassure herself he was still there with her. He was hers. He understoodthe need all too well, because he’d felt the same way after she drowned, after he pulled her out of the fire, and everything else. Mostly, though, they simply needed to show how much the other person meant to them.

All at once, he wanted to hold on to her and make a life with her. And he wanted everything right now. The urgency hadn’t worn off after the danger had ended. The sense that time was short still permeated his thoughts and heart.

So he took advantage of the quiet morning and kissed his way from Cyn’s shoulder down her arm as he slipped his hand between her legs. She immediately pushed her ass up against his hard dick and spread her legs so he could slide his hand down her panties and stroke and tease her soft folds.

“You’re up early,” Cyn teased on a soft whisper as she rocked her ass into his hips again.

“There’s a beautiful woman in my bed, in my arms, and I can’t think of a better way to start the day than making love to her.”

Cyn rolled toward him and he thrust one finger, then two into her slick center, making her moan. “Baby, you can wake me up like this every morning if you want to.”

He grinned right before he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked the pink tip. He loved that she slept in next to nothing. Her soft, warm skin brushed against him and set him on fire. And then she wrapped her hand around his thick cock and he sucked in a breath at the exquisite feel of her hand stroking him.

“Keep that up and this won’t last long,” he warned, licking her nipple and sliding his fingers into her again and again as her hips rocked into his hand.

“You started this,” she teased back. “Now come here and finish it.”

He loved that she didn’t hold back. “You’re going to have to take the top,” he reminded her, because he couldn’t hold himself up on his hands above her without it hurting like hell.

But Cyn had other ideas and shifted back to her side, catching his thick length between her legs. She guided him inside her and rocked her hips against his.

“Damn, Cyn, you feel so good.” Making love to her with no barriers made the whole experience feel even better and upped the intimacy between them.

“You feel amazing.” She didn’t have a whole lot of ability to move, so he gripped her hip and pumped in and out of her. She slipped her hand down to where they were joined, her fingers sliding over her mound and spreading to the side of his cock as he thrust into her, increasing the friction and pressure. He slipped his arm under her and found her breast, plucking the tight bud and making her moan.