“No.” Not even a little bit. “I only want to be with Hunt and Lana. We’re a family now. They’re all I need. Yes, I’ll grieve for my sister, but I will be happy with Hunt and Lana. Hunt and I will give Lana the life she deserves.”

“How are you feeling right now?”

Her feelings were a jumble, but again she focused on what mattered most. “I’m anxious to see Hunt and take Lana home. I need to be with them, to remind myself that after everything that’s happened, we are still together, and now we are safe. Being with them will make everything better.”

“I think that might be the best kind of medicine you could get right now. But I’d also like to suggest that you come back and see me. The kind of trauma you’ve been through doesn’t just vanish now that the threat is gone.”

“I understand that. And yes, I think I could use the help to process my grief and the things that have happened. I know it will make Hunt feel better. And I want to be the best me I can be for him and Lana.” Making this commitment felt like a step she needed to take to get there.

“I can help you do all of that.” Dr. Sutton rose. “I’ll have my office contact you tomorrow to make the appointments. Twice a week to start, then we can reduce that to once a week until you’re feeling like yourself again.”

Cyn followed the doctor out of the office. “Thank you for taking the time to talk to me tonight.”

“My pleasure. It’s why I’m here.”

They rode down in the elevator and found Hunt in the waiting room alone.

“Where are your brother, Shelby and the baby?” Cyn took Hunt’s outstretched hand.

“They took the baby home to get her ready for bed. I know how important it is to try to keep her on her schedule.”

“You should have gone with them. I would have followed on my own.”

Hunt shook his head. “I’m not leaving here without you.” He glanced at Dr. Sutton. “Everything okay?”

Dr. Sutton smiled. “Everything is fine. We had a good talk. I’ll see you both soon.” The doctor left them alone.

Cyn looked up at Hunt. “Are you going to see him, too?”

He tugged her to follow him toward the exit. “It’s police protocol after a shooting or traumatic incident. I’ll meet with him twice a week for two weeks, or longer if I need it. Then he’ll clear me to go back on patrol. Until then, I’m on paid leave until the investigation into Rad’s death is concluded, then it’s desk duty for a little while.”

“I’m going to see Dr. Sutton again soon, too. It’s all been a rush tonight and I feel like I’m fine, but I know it will come crashing down on me at some point.”

“I’m here. Whatever you need.”

“I know. I think that’s what convinced him I was going to be okay, because all I wanted was to get back to you.”

They walked across the parking lot to her car. “Chase and Shelby said they took all the stuff from your car and took it to our place with Lana.”


Hunt pulled her into his arms beside the driver’s side door. “I love you, Cyn. Don’t ever fucking scare me like that again.”

“Don’t ever get shot again.”

“I’m not making any promises, but I’m with you, that really sucked.”

Cyn found she could chuckle about it now. “Get in the car, Hunt. I’ll drive us home.”

“That’s the best thing I’ve heard all night.”

She waited for him to join her inside the car before she said, “Well, I might be able to top that. At least, I hope you’ll be happy to hear this.”


“I can’t go back to Shelby’s place.”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he assured her.