“Hunt,” Mr. Harmon said by way of hello. “Did you find him? Is he in custody?”

“Mr. Harmon, I’m afraid I have very bad news... the worst news... I’m sorry to inform you that Rad was shot and killed about half an hour ago at Cyn’s home.” Hunt felt his heart drop in his aching chest. No matter what Rad had done and turned into, it still sucked to lose a friend he’d known practically his whole life. He hated breaking Mr. and Mrs. Harmon’s hearts.

“What? No. Why would he go there? That’s not possible.”

“Cyn and I returned to her house to have dinner after she got off work. We had Lana with us. We entered the house and had only just taken Lana out of her car seat carrier when Rad arrived and started shooting.”

“What? He could have killed the baby.”

“I don’t think he considered that, though it’s a blessing that Cyn and the baby weren’t hit. I was by theshotgun pellets and I took a nine-millimeter round to the chest.”

Mr. Harmon gasped. “Are you going to be okay?”

“Yes.” Hunt tried to breathe through the pain. “I wish it didn’t end this way. I wish I didn’t have to make this call to you. Once the scene has been processed, they’ll transfer his body to the morgue. You’ll receive a phone call to make arrangements for him.” Hunt rubbed at the back of his neck, wincing when his fingertips ran across a bloody cut. “I’m sorry for your loss, Mr. Harmon. My condolences to your wife as well. I hope, after some time has passed, that we can put this behind us and be the family that Lana needs us to be for her.”

“I... I’m not sure how my wife and I feel about Lana staying with the person who killed our son.”

Hunt tried to contain his rage. “I get that you’re upset, but please try not to make things more difficult. Lana needs all the family she has left. Rad came armed and ready to kill me and Cyn and take the baby.” To push his point home, he added, “I’ve just arrived at the hospital by ambulance. Cyn and Lana will join me here soon. Your son hurt a lot of people, Mr. Harmon. I’m sure the trauma Rad inflicted on Cyn will stay with her for a long time to come. Let it end here and now. For Lana’s sake.” Hunt hung up, hoping that the Harmons found a way to grieve their son and be the grandparents Lana needed without playing a game of tug-of-war over the baby. He didn’t want to see things turn ugly between Cyn and the Harmons. He wanted them all to find a way to come together for Lana.

He hoped that once everyone settled down, they’d all do what was right for Lana. As she grew up, she’d learnthe truth about her parents. If she had a steady childhood, she’d hopefully be better prepared to deal with the tragedy of what happened.

She deserved some peace and a loving home after all she’d been through and lost.

He wanted to give that to her and Cyn.

Hunt hissed in a breath when the paramedic pulled out another big chunk of glass.

Chase patted his leg again. “You handled that well. I’m sure they’re both in shock. They’ll come around to understanding it’s about Lana now.”

“I hope so. Because Cyn’s been through a lot and I don’t want her to have to keep fighting. After all she’s been through, I really can’t believe she’s still sane at this point.”

“She’s strong and tough and she has you. During all the terrible days and weeks, she fell in love and has been loved by you. In all the bad, she had all those moments of happiness you two shared. Now that this is over, she’s got a lot more of that to look forward to. If you’re not a dumbass and you hold on to her.”

“I’m never letting her go. In fact, I want to make it permanent.”

Chase gave him a firm nod. “No time like the present.”

Hunt gaped at his brother.

Chase shrugged. “When you’ve been through hell and survived it, heaven shouldn’t have to wait. Believe me, I understand all too well nothing is guaranteed and it can all vanish in the blink of an eye.” Chase had nearly died several times serving in the military overseas, then nearly lost his life to a prescription drug addiction. He’d finally overcome his demons and healed and was soonto marry the love of his life. He and Shelby may have known each other for years, but their real love affair and engagement happened quickly, because once they knew they never wanted to be apart, they made sure they never would be again.

Hunt felt that keenly right now, sitting in the back of an ambulance after being shot.

Chase nodded like he knew all of Hunt’s thoughts. “Life is short, man. Don’t waste time you could be spending with her.”

“Call Shelby. Find out when they’ll be here.” Hunt lost track of Chase as the paramedics pulled him out of the ambulance and rushed him into the ER.

All he wanted was to see Cyn and Lana and make sure they were never separated again.


For all those fearless hearts who surrender to love and do so with wild abandon.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Cyn dashed past a nurse and ran into the cubicle where Hunt was being treated. She threw her arms around him, hugging him fiercely, tears stinging her eyes. “Are you okay?”

Hunt held her close. “Thanks to you, sweetheart, I’m alive.”